Saturday 5 August 2017

Pca Trading Segnali

SUMMIT MATERIALI, INC. (SUM) IPO Real-Time After Hours Pre-Market News Flash Citazione Sommario Citazione Interactive Grafici predefiniti Impostazione Si prega di notare che una volta effettuata la selezione, che si applicherà a tutte le visite future a NASDAQ. Se, in qualsiasi momento, si è interessato a ritornare alle nostre impostazioni predefinite, selezionare Impostazioni predefinite sopra. Se avete domande o incontrano problemi nel cambiare le impostazioni predefinite, inviare un'e-mail isfeedbacknasdaq. Si prega di confermare la selezione: Hai scelto di modificare l'impostazione predefinita per il preventivo Cerca. Questo sarà ora la tua pagina di destinazione predefinita a meno che non si cambia di nuovo la configurazione, o si eliminano i cookie. Sei sicuro di voler modificare le impostazioni Abbiamo un favore da chiederti Si prega di disattivare il blocco annuncio (o aggiornare le impostazioni per garantire che JavaScript ei cookie sono abilitati), in modo da poter continuare a fornire la notizia mercato di prim'ordine ei dati youve si aspettano da us. Better Strategie 5: Un termine a breve scadenza macchina di apprendimento del sistema It8217s per il 5 ° e la parte finale del costruire migliori strategie di serie. Nella parte 3 we8217ve discusso il processo di sviluppo di un sistema basato su modelli, e di conseguenza we8217ll concludere la serie con lo sviluppo di un sistema di data-mining. I principi di data mining e machine learning sono stati il ​​tema della parte 4. Per il nostro esempio di trading a breve termine we8217ll utilizzare un algoritmo di apprendimento profondo. un autoencoder impilati, ma funzionerà nello stesso modo con molti altri algoritmi di apprendimento automatico. Con strumenti software today8217s, solo circa 20 righe di codice sono necessari per una strategia di apprendimento automatico. I8217ll cercare di spiegare tutti i passi in dettaglio. Il nostro esempio sarà un progetto di ricerca 8211 una macchina di apprendimento esperimento per rispondere a due domande. Fa un algoritmo più complesso 8211, come, più neuroni e l'apprendimento più profondo 8211 producono una previsione migliore e sono a breve termine il prezzo si muove prevedibili dalla storia prezzi a breve termine L'ultima domanda è venuto a causa del mio scetticismo circa il commercio azione dei prezzi nella parte precedente di questa serie. Ho avuto diverse email chiedendo circa le generators8221 sistema 8220trading o simili strumenti di azione dei prezzi che sono lodati su alcuni siti web. Non vi è alcuna prova concreta che questi strumenti mai prodotto alcun profitto (tranne che per i loro fornitori) 8211, ma questo significa che sono tutti spazzatura We8217ll vedere. Il nostro esperimento è semplice: Raccogliamo le informazioni dalle ultime candele di una curva di prezzo, da mangiare in una rete neurale di apprendimento profondo, e utilizzarlo per prevedere i prossimi candele. La mia ipotesi è che alcune candele don8217t contengono informazioni predittive utili. Naturalmente, un esito nonpredictive dell'esperimento won8217t significa che I8217m giusto, dal momento che ho potuto usare parametri errati o preparato i dati di male. Ma un risultato predittivo sarebbe un indizio che I8217m commercio di sbagliato e il prezzo azione può essere davvero redditizio. Macchina di sviluppo strategia di apprendimento Fase 1: La variabile di destinazione per ricapitolare la parte precedente. un algoritmo di apprendimento supervisionato è addestrato con una serie di funzioni al fine di prevedere una variabile di destinazione. Quindi la prima cosa da stabilire è quale sarà la variabile di destinazione. Un obiettivo popolare, utilizzato in molti documenti, è il segno del ritorno prezzo alla successiva. Più adatto per la previsione, in quanto meno sensibili alla casualità, è la differenza di prezzo di una previsione orizzonte più lontano. come 3 barre da oggi, o lo stesso giorno la settimana prossima. Come quasi tutto in sistemi di trading, l'orizzonte di previsione è un compromesso tra gli effetti della casualità (meno bar sono peggiori) e la prevedibilità (meno bar sono migliori). A volte non you8217re interessato a prezzo prevedere direttamente, ma nel prevedere qualche altro parametro 8211, come la gamba corrente di un indicatore Zigzag 8211 che potrebbero altrimenti essere determinata solo col senno di poi. O se si vuole sapere se una certa inefficienza del mercato sarà presente la prossima volta, soprattutto quando si you8217re per mezzo della macchina di apprendimento non direttamente per la negoziazione, ma per il filtraggio mestieri in un sistema basato su modelli. O se si vuole prevedere qualcosa di completamente diverso, ad esempio, la probabilità di un crollo del mercato di domani. Tutto questo è spesso più facile da prevedere che il ritorno tomorrow8217s popolare. Nel nostro esperimento azione dei prezzi we8217ll usare il ritorno di un commercio azione dei prezzi a breve termine come variabile di destinazione. Una volta che il bersaglio è determinato, il prossimo passo è la selezione delle caratteristiche. Fase 2: Il dispone di una curva dei prezzi è il caso peggiore per qualsiasi algoritmo di apprendimento automatico. Non solo portare poco segnale e per lo più rumore. è anche non stazionario e il rapporto signalnoise cambia continuamente. Il rapporto esatto del segnale e rumore dipende da ciò che si intende con 8220signal8221, ma è normalmente troppo basso per qualsiasi algoritmo di apprendimento automatico noto per la produzione qualcosa di utile. Quindi dobbiamo ricavare le caratteristiche della curva dei prezzi che contengono più del segnale e meno rumore. Signal, in tale contesto, è qualsiasi informazione che può essere utilizzato per prevedere l'obiettivo, qualunque esso sia. Tutto il resto è rumore. Così, selezionando le caratteristiche è un fattore critico per il successo 8211 molto più critica di decidere quale machine learning algoritmo you8217re intenzione di utilizzare. Ci sono due approcci per la selezione di caratteristiche. La prima e più comune è l'estrazione di quante più informazioni dalla curva prezzo possibile. Dal momento che non si sa dove l'informazione è nascosta, è solo creare una raccolta selvaggia di indicatori, con una vasta gamma di parametri, e la speranza che almeno alcuni di loro conterrà le informazioni che le esigenze algoritmo. Questo è l'approccio che normalmente si trovano in letteratura. Il problema di questo metodo: qualsiasi algoritmo di apprendimento automatico può essere facilmente confuso dai predittori nonpredictive. Così won8217t fare per gettare appena 150 indicatori a questo. Avete bisogno di qualche algoritmo di preselezione che determina quale di essi portano informazioni utili e che può essere omesso. Senza ridurre le caratteristiche di questo modo di forse otto o dieci, anche l'algoritmo di apprendimento più profondo won8217t produrre qualcosa di utile. L'altro approccio, normalmente per gli esperimenti e ricerche, utilizza solo informazioni limitate dalla curva dei prezzi. Questo è il caso qui: Dal momento che vogliamo esaminare il commercio azione dei prezzi, usiamo solo gli ultimi prezzi di alcuni come ingressi, e deve scartare tutto il resto della curva. Questo ha il vantaggio che abbiamo don8217t bisogno qualsiasi algoritmo preselezione poiché il numero di caratteristiche è limitato comunque. Qui ci sono le due semplici funzioni predittive che usiamo nel nostro esperimento (in C): Le due funzioni sono tenuti a portare le informazioni necessarie per l'azione dei prezzi: il movimento per-bar e la volatilità. La funzione di cambio è la differenza di prezzo corrente al prezzo di n bar prima, rispetto al prezzo corrente. La funzione di gamma è la distanza totale alto-basso degli ultimi n candele, anche in relazione al prezzo corrente. E i centri di funzione di scala e comprime i valori alla gamma -100, in modo che li dividono da 100 per inducendole normalizzato a -1. Ricordiamo che la normalizzazione è necessaria per algoritmi di apprendimento automatico. Fase 3: Preselectingpreprocessing predittori Dopo aver selezionato un gran numero di indicatori o altri segnali come le caratteristiche per il vostro algoritmo, è necessario determinare quale di essi è utile e quali no. Ci sono molti metodi per ridurre il numero di funzioni, per esempio: Determinare le correlazioni tra i segnali. Rimuovere quelli con una forte correlazione ad altri segnali, poiché non contribuiscono alle informazioni. Confrontare il contenuto informativo dei segnali direttamente, con algoritmi come l'entropia informazioni o alberi di decisione. Determinare il contenuto informativo indirettamente confrontando i segnali con segnali randomizzati ci sono alcune librerie software per questo, come il pacchetto R Boruta. Utilizzare un algoritmo come Analisi delle Componenti Principali (PCA) per generare un nuovo set di segnale con dimensionalità ridotta. Utilizzare ottimizzazione genetica per determinare i segnali più importanti semplicemente i risultati più vantaggiosi dal processo di previsione. Grande per montaggio di curva, se si desidera pubblicare i risultati impressionanti in un documento di ricerca. Per il nostro esperimento non abbiamo bisogno di preselezione o pre-elaborare le caratteristiche, ma si possono trovare informazioni utili su questo in articoli (1), (2) e (3) elencati alla fine della pagina. Passo 4: Selezionare l'algoritmo di apprendimento automatico R offre molti pacchetti ML diversi, e nessuno di loro offre molti algoritmi diversi, con molti parametri differenti. Anche se avete già deciso sul metodo 8211 qui, nel profondo di apprendimento 8211 Hai ancora la scelta tra i diversi approcci e diversi pacchetti R. La maggior parte sono abbastanza nuovo, e si possono trovare molte informazioni non empirica che aiuta la vostra decisione. Dovete provarli tutti e acquisire esperienza con metodi diversi. Per il nostro esperimento we8217ve scelto il pacchetto Deepnet, che è probabilmente il più semplice e più facile da usare biblioteca apprendimento profondo. In questo modo il nostro codice breve. We8217re utilizzando il suo algoritmo Stacked Autoencoder (SAE) per la pre-formazione della rete. Deepnet offre anche un limitato Boltzmann automatico (RBM) per il pre-allenamento, ma non ho potuto ottenere buoni risultati da esso. Ci sono altri e più complessi pacchetti di apprendimento profondo per R, in modo da poter spendere un sacco di tempo controllando tutti loro. Come pre-allenamento funziona si spiega facilmente, ma il motivo per cui funziona è una questione diversa. Per quanto a mia conoscenza, nessuno ha ancora messo a punto una solida dimostrazione matematica che funziona affatto. In ogni caso, immaginare una grande rete neurale con molti strati nascosti: La formazione dei mezzi netti che istituiscono i pesi delle connessioni tra i neuroni. Il metodo usuale è errore backpropagation. Ma si scopre che gli strati più nascosti che si possiede, il peggio funziona. I termini di errore backpropagated diventano sempre più piccoli da strato a strato, causando i primi strati della rete per imparare quasi nulla. Il che significa che il risultato previsto diventa sempre più dipendente dello stato iniziale casuale dei pesi. Questo fortemente limitata la complessità delle reti neurali basate su livelli e quindi le attività che possono risolvere. Almeno fino a 10 anni fa. Nel 2006 gli scienziati a Toronto pubblicato la prima volta l'idea di pre-formare i pesi con un algoritmo di apprendimento non supervisionato, una macchina di Boltzmann limitato. Questo si è rivelato un concetto rivoluzionario. E 'potenziato lo sviluppo dell'intelligenza artificiale e ha consentito a tutti i tipi di nuove applicazioni da macchine Go-gioco per le automobili auto-guida. Nel caso di un autoencoder impilati, funziona in questo modo: Selezionare strato nascosto di formare iniziare con il primo strato nascosto. Colleghi le uscite a un livello di uscita temporanea che ha la stessa struttura del livello di input network8217s. Alimentare la rete con i campioni di formazione, ma senza gli obiettivi. Formare in modo che il primo strato nascosto riproduce il segnale di ingresso 8211 caratteristiche 8211 alle sue uscite più precisamente possibile. Il resto della rete viene ignorato. Durante l'allenamento, applicare una sanzione term8217 8216weight in modo che il minor numero possibile di pesi delle connessioni sono utilizzati per la riproduzione del segnale. Ora alimentare le uscite dello strato nascosto addestrato agli ingressi del successivo strato nascosto inesperto, e ripetere il processo di formazione in modo che il segnale in ingresso viene riprodotto alle uscite dello strato successivo. Ripetere questo processo fino a quando tutti gli strati nascosti sono addestrati. Abbiamo ora un 8216sparse network8217 con pochissime connessioni di livello in grado di riprodurre i segnali di ingresso. Ora addestrare la rete con retropropagazione per l'apprendimento della variabile di destinazione, utilizzando i pesi pre-formati degli strati nascosti come punto di partenza. La speranza è che il processo di pre-formazione incustodito produce un'astrazione interna rumore ridotto dei segnali di ingresso che possono poi essere utilizzati per facilitare l'apprendimento il bersaglio. E questo sembra davvero funzionare. Nessuno sa veramente perché, ma diverse teorie 8211 Vedere Carta (4) sotto 8211 Provate a spiegare questo fenomeno. Fase 5: Generare un set di dati di test abbiamo prima bisogno di produrre una serie di dati con le caratteristiche e gli obiettivi in ​​modo da poter testare il nostro processo di previsione e provare parametri. Le caratteristiche devono essere basati sugli stessi dati sui prezzi, come nel trading dal vivo, e per l'obiettivo che ci deve simulare un commerciali a breve termine. Quindi ha senso per generare i dati non con R, ma con la nostra piattaforma di trading, che è in ogni caso molto più veloce. Here8217s un piccolo script Zorro per questo, DeepSignals. c: We8217re generazione di 2 anni di dati con le caratteristiche calcolati dai nostri superiori funzioni di modifica e intervallo definito. Il nostro obiettivo è il ritorno di uno scambio con il tempo di 3 bar di vita. costi di negoziazione sono impostati a zero, quindi in questo caso il ritorno è equivalente alla differenza di prezzo a 3 bar in futuro. La funzione adviseLong è descritta nel manuale Zorro è una funzione potente che gestisce automaticamente formazione e prevedere e consente di utilizzare qualsiasi algoritmo di apprendimento automatico basato R-proprio come se fosse un semplice indicatore. Nel nostro codice, la funzione utilizza il ritorno commercio successivo come bersaglio, e le variazioni di prezzo e le gamme degli ultimi 4 bar come caratteristiche. La bandiera SEGNALI dice che non addestrare i dati, ma per esportare in un file. csv. La bandiera EQUILIBRATO fa in modo che si ottiene il maggior numero positivo rendimenti negativi questo è importante per la maggior parte algoritmi di apprendimento automatico. Eseguire lo script in modalità treno con la nostra solita EURUSD prova risorsa selezionata. Si genera un file di foglio di calcolo denominato DeepSignalsEURUSDL. csv che contiene le caratteristiche nelle prime 8 colonne, e il ritorno del commercio nell'ultima colonna. Passo 6: Calibrare gli algoritmi di algoritmo di apprendimento macchina complessa hanno molti parametri per regolare. Alcuni di essi offrono grandi opportunità per la curva-fit l'algoritmo per le pubblicazioni. Tuttavia, dobbiamo calibrare i parametri poiché l'algoritmo funziona raramente bene con le impostazioni predefinite. Per questo, here8217s uno script R che legge il set di dati creati in precedenza e lo elabora con l'algoritmo di apprendimento profondo (DeepSignal. r): We8217ve definito tre funzioni neural. train. neural. predict. e neural. init per la formazione, la previsione, e l'inizializzazione la rete neurale. I nomi delle funzioni non sono arbitrarie, ma seguono la convenzione utilizzata dalla funzione Zorro8217s consulenza (neurale.). Si won8217t importa ora, ma importa più tardi, quando si usa lo stesso script R per la formazione e la negoziazione della strategia di apprendimento profondo. Una quarta funzione, TestOOS. viene utilizzato per out-of-sample test nostra messa a punto. I semi funzione neural. init generatore casuale R con un valore fisso (365 è il mio numero fortunato personale). In caso contrario, si otterrebbe un risultato leggermente diverso ogni volta, dal momento che la rete neurale viene inizializzato con pesi casuali. Inoltre, crea un elenco R globale denominato 8220Models8221. La maggior parte R tipi di variabili don8217t devono essere creati in precedenza, alcuni lo fanno (don8217t mi chiedono perché). L'operatore 8216ltlt-8216 è per l'accesso a una variabile globale all'interno di una funzione. La neural. train funzione prende come input un numero di modello e il set di dati per essere addestrato. Il numero di modello identifica il modello addestrato nel 8220 Models 8221 lista. Un elenco non è realmente necessario per questo test, ma we8217ll bisogno di strategie più complesse che si allenano più di un modello. La matrice contenente le caratteristiche e destinazione viene passato alla funzione come secondo parametro. Se i dati XY non è una matrice appropriata, che avviene spesso in R a seconda di come è stato generato, esso viene convertito in uno. Poi è suddivisa nelle caratteristiche (X) e la porta (Y), ed infine il bersaglio viene convertito in 1 per un esito commerciale positiva e 0 per esito negativo. I parametri di rete vengono impostati. Alcuni sono ovvi, altri sono liberi di giocare con: La struttura di rete è data dal vettore nascosta: c (50,100,50) definisce 3 strati nascosti, il primo con 50, secondo con 100, e il terzo con 50 neuroni. That8217s il parametro che we8217ll poi modificare per determinare se più profondo è meglio. La funzione di attivazione converte la somma dei valori di ingresso neurone all'uscita neurone più utilizzate sono sigma che satura a 0 o 1, o tanh che satura a -1 o 1. Usiamo tanh qui dato nostri segnali sono anche nella gamma -1 . L'uscita della rete è una funzione sigmoidale poiché vogliamo una previsione nell'intervallo 0..1. Ma l'uscita SAE deve essere 8220linear8221 modo che la pila Autoencoder può riprodurre i segnali di ingresso analogici sulle uscite. Il tasso di apprendimento controlla la dimensione del passo per la discesa del gradiente nella formazione di un tasso più basso significa passi più fini e forse più precisa previsione, ma i tempi di formazione più lungo. Momentum aggiunge una frazione del passo precedente a quello corrente. Previene la discesa del gradiente di rimanere bloccati in un piccolo punto di minimo o di sella locale. La scala tasso di apprendimento è un fattore di moltiplicazione per la modifica del tasso di apprendimento dopo ogni iterazione (non sono sicuro di ciò che questo è un bene, ma ci può essere compiti in cui un tasso di apprendimento inferiore epoche più elevati migliora la formazione). Un'epoca è un'iterazione di formazione sopra l'intero set di dati. La formazione si ferma una volta raggiunto il numero di epoche. Più epoche significa una migliore previsione, ma la formazione più a lungo. La dimensione del lotto è un numero di campioni casuali 8211 un mini lotto 8211 tolto dal set di dati per una singola corsa di formazione. Dividere i dati in mini lotti accelera la formazione dal momento che il gradiente di peso, si calcola un minor numero di campioni. Maggiore è la dimensione del lotto, migliore è la formazione, ma più tempo ci vorrà. L'abbandono è un numero di neuroni selezionati in modo casuale, che sono disattivati ​​durante un mini lotto. In questo modo la rete impara solo con una parte delle sue neuroni. Questo sembra una strana idea, ma in grado di ridurre efficacemente overfitting. Tutti questi parametri sono comuni per le reti neurali. Giocare con loro e verificare il loro effetto sul risultato e il tempo di allenamento. Correttamente calibrare una rete neurale non è banale e potrebbe essere il tema di un altro articolo. I parametri sono memorizzati nel modello insieme con la matrice dei pesi delle connessioni addestrati. Quindi hanno bisogno di non essere data di nuovo in funzione di predizione, neural. predict. Prende il modello e un vettore X di caratteristiche, lo gestisce attraverso gli strati, e restituisce l'output di rete, il target Y previsto. Rispetto alla formazione, la previsione è molto veloce in quanto necessita solo di un paio di migliaia di moltiplicazioni. Se X è un vettore riga, viene recepita e in questo modo convertito in un vettore colonna, altrimenti la funzione nn. predict won8217t accettarlo. Utilizzare RStudio o qualche ambiente simile per comodamente lavorare con R. Modifica il percorso per i dati CSV nel file di cui sopra, lo legge, installare i pacchetti R richiesti (Deepnet, E1071, e accento circonflesso), quindi chiamare la funzione TestOOS dal comando linea. Se tutto funziona, si dovrebbe stampare qualcosa di simile: TestOOS prima legge i nostri set di dati dalla cartella Zorro8217s dati. Si divide i dati in 80 per la formazione (XY. tr) e 20 per out-of-sample test (XY. ts). Il training set è addestrato e il risultato memorizzato nella lista modelle con indice 1. Il set di test è ulteriormente suddiviso nelle caratteristiche (X) e target (Y). Y viene convertito in binario 0 o 1 e memorizzato in Y. ob. il nostro vettore di obiettivi osservati. Abbiamo poi prevedere gli obiettivi del set di prova, convertirli di nuovo a binario 0 o 1 e memorizzarli in Y. pr. Per il confronto l'osservazione con la previsione, usiamo la funzione di matrice di confusione dal pacchetto cursore. Una matrice di confusione di un classificatore binario è semplicemente una matrice 22152 che indica quante 08217s e quanti 18217s era stato previsto a torto e in modo corretto. Molti parametri sono derivati ​​dalla matrice e stampata nelle righe precedenti. La più importante in questo momento è l'accuratezza 62 previsione. Ciò potrebbe suggerire che ho sbattuto l'azione dei prezzi di negoziazione un po 'prematuramente. Ma, naturalmente, il 62 potrebbe essere stata solo fortuna. We8217ll vedere che più tardi, quando si corre una prova WFO. Un consiglio finale: pacchetti R sono occasionalmente aggiornate, con la possibile conseguenza che il codice precedente R improvvisamente potrebbe funzionare in modo diverso, o per niente. Questo accade davvero, così proviamo con attenzione dopo ogni aggiornamento. Passo 7: La strategia Ora che we8217ve testati nostro algoritmo e ottenuto una certa precisione previsione superiore a 50, con un set di dati di test, possiamo finalmente codificare la nostra strategia di apprendimento automatico. Infatti we8217ve già codificato la maggior parte di esso, dobbiamo solo bisogna aggiungere alcune righe allo script Zorro sopra che ha esportato il set di dati. Questo è lo script finale per la formazione, test, e (in teoria) di negoziazione del sistema (DeepLearn. c): We8217re utilizzando un ciclo WFO di un anno, diviso in un corso di formazione di 90 e un out-of-campione di periodo di prova 10. Si potrebbe chiedere perché ho in precedenza utilizzato due dati year8217s e una divisione diversa, 8020, per la calibrazione della rete al punto 5. Questo è per l'utilizzo di dati in modo diverso composti per la calibrazione e per i test in avanti passeggiata. Se abbiamo usato esattamente gli stessi dati, la calibrazione potrebbe OVERFIT e compromettere il test. I parametri WFO selezionati significano che il sistema è allenato con i dati di circa 225 giorni, seguiti da un periodo di 25 giorni di prova o il commercio con nessuna formazione. Nella letteratura you8217ll a volte trovare raccomandazioni per riqualificare un sistema di apprendimento automatico dopo qualsiasi commercio, o per lo meno ogni giorno. Ma questo non ha molto senso per me. Quando è stato utilizzato quasi 1 dati year8217s per la formazione di un sistema, si può ovviamente non deteriorarsi dopo un solo giorno. O, se lo ha fatto, e ha prodotto solo risultati positivi con la riqualificazione quotidiano, avrei fortemente sospetto che i risultati sono artefatti da parte di alcuni di codifica errore. La formazione di un network profonda richiede molto tempo, nel nostro caso circa 10 minuti per una rete con 3 strati nascosti e 200 neuroni. Poiché questo si ripete ad ogni ciclo WFO, utilizzando più core è raccomandato per formare molti cicli in parallelo. La variabile NumCores a -1 attiva tutti i core della CPU, ma uno. Centri multipli sono disponibili solo in Zorro S, quindi un test in avanti passeggiata completa di tutti i cicli di WFO può richiedere diverse ore con la versione gratuita. Nello script che ora alleniamo compravendite sia lunghe che corte. Per questo dobbiamo permettere di copertura in modalità Training, poiché posizioni lunghe e corte sono aperte allo stesso tempo. Entrare posizione è ora dipende dal valore di ritorno dalla funzione consiglio, che a sua volta richiama sia il neural. train o la funzione neural. predict dallo script R. Così we8217re qui entrare posizioni quando la rete neurale prevede un risultato superiore a 0,5. Lo script R è ora controllata dallo script Zorro (per questo deve avere lo stesso nome, NeuralLearn. r. Solo con estensione diversa). E 'identico al nostro script R sopra poiché we8217re utilizzando gli stessi parametri di rete. Una sola funzione aggiuntiva è necessaria per sostenere un test di WFO: La funzione neural. save memorizza l'elenco Models 8211 ora contiene 2 modelli per lungo e per brevi commerci 8211 dopo ogni prova cronometrata nella cartella Zorro8217s dati. Dal momento che i modelli sono memorizzati per un uso successivo, non abbiamo bisogno di formare di nuovo per corse di prova ripetuti. Questa è la curva di equità WFO generato con lo script di cui sopra (EURUSD, senza costi commerciali): Anche se non tutti i cicli WFO ottenere un risultato positivo, sembra che ci sia qualche effetto predittivo. La curva è equivalente ad un rendimento annuo 89, realizzato con una struttura strato nascosto 50-100-50. We8217ll il check-in il prossimo passo come le diverse strutture di rete influenzano il risultato. Dal momento che il neural. init. neural. train. neural. predict. e le funzioni di neural. save vengono chiamate automaticamente da funzioni Zorro8217s adviseLongadviseShort, non ci sono funzioni R chiamati direttamente nello script Zorro. Così lo script può rimanere invariato quando si utilizza un metodo di apprendimento macchina diversa. lo script DeepLearn. r deve essere modificato solo e la rete neurale, per esempio, sostituito da una macchina di supporto vettore. Per la negoziazione di un tale sistema di apprendimento automatico in diretta su un VPS, assicurarsi che R è installato anche sul VPS, i pacchetti R richiesti vengono installati, e il percorso al terminale R istituito nel file ini Zorro8217s. In caso contrario, you8217ll un messaggio di errore quando si avvia la strategia. Fase 8: L'esperimento Se il nostro obiettivo fosse stato lo sviluppo di una strategia, i prossimi passi sarebbe la gestione controllo di realtà, il rischio e il denaro, e la preparazione per il trading dal vivo proprio come descritto in fase di sviluppo di strategia basato su modelli. Ma per il nostro esperimento we8217ll ora eseguire una serie di test, con il numero di neuroni per strato aumentata da 10 a 100 in 3 passi, e 1, 2, o 3 strati nascosti (Deepnet non supporta più di 3). Così we8217re esaminando i seguenti 9 strutture di rete: c (10), C (10,10), C (10,10,10), C (30), C (30,30), c (30,30,30 ), C (100), C (100,100), C (100.100.100). Per questo esperimento è necessario un pomeriggio anche con un PC veloce e in modalità multiple core. Ecco i risultati (SR indice di Sharpe, R2 di linearità): Vediamo che una semplice rete con soli 10 neuroni in una sola opera strato won8217t nascosto e per la previsione a breve termine. complessità Network migliora nettamente le prestazioni, ma solo fino ad un certo punto. Un buon risultato per il nostro sistema è già raggiunto con 3 strati x 30 neuroni. Ancora più neuroni won8217t aiutano molto e qualche volta anche di produrre un risultato peggiore. Questa non è una vera sorpresa, dal momento che per la lavorazione di solo 8 ingressi, 300 neuroni possono probabilmente non fare un lavoro migliore di 100. Conclusione Il nostro obiettivo era determinare se un paio di candele possono avere potere predittivo e come i risultati sono influenzati dalla complessità dell'algoritmo . I risultati sembrano suggerire che i movimenti di prezzo a breve termine possono infatti essere previsti a volte, analizzando i cambiamenti e le gamme degli ultimi 4 candele. La previsione non è molto accurato 8211 it8217s nel range 58..60, e la maggior parte dei sistemi della serie di test diventano inutili quando i costi di negoziazione sono inclusi. Eppure, devo riconsiderare la mia opinione circa il commercio azione dei prezzi. Il fatto che la previsione migliora con la complessità della rete è un argomento particolarmente convincente per breve periodo la prevedibilità dei prezzi. Sarebbe interessante esaminare la stabilità a lungo termine del pattern di prezzo predittivi. Per questo abbiamo dovuto correre un'altra serie di esperimenti e di modificare il periodo di formazione (WFOPeriod nello script sopra) e la divisione 90 ISOOS. Questo richiede più tempo visto che dobbiamo utilizzare i dati più storici. Ho fatto alcuni test e trovato finora che un anno sembra essere davvero un buon periodo di formazione. Il sistema si deteriora con periodi più lunghi di un paio di anni. pattern di prezzo predittivi, almeno di EURUSD, hanno una durata limitata. Dove possiamo andare da qui There8217s una pletora di possibilità, per esempio: utilizzare gli ingressi da più candele ed elaborarli con gran lunga più grandi reti con migliaia di neuroni. Utilizzare sovracampionamento per espandere i dati di allenamento. Previsione migliora sempre con più campioni di formazione. Comprimere serie F. I. tempo con l'analisi spectal e analizzare non le candele, ma la loro rappresentazione frequenza con metodi di apprendimento automatico. Utilizzare ingressi da molte candele 8211 come, 100 8211 e pre-processo candele adiacenti con strati di rete convoluzionali unidimensionali. Utilizzare reti ricorrenti. Soprattutto LSTM potrebbe essere molto interessante per l'analisi di serie temporali 8211 e, come a mia conoscenza, sono stati raramente utilizzato per la previsione finanziaria finora. Utilizzare un insieme di reti neurali per la previsione, come Aronson8217s 8220oracles8221 e 8220comitees8221. Paper articoli I8217ve aggiunti gli script C e R al repository 2016 script. Hai bisogno di entrambi nella cartella di strategia Zorro8217s. Zorro versione 1.474, e R versione 3.2.5 (64 bit) è stato utilizzato per l'esperimento, ma dovrebbe funzionare anche con altre versioni. Risultati qui sotto sono stati generati dalla versione rivista del DeepSignals. r 8211 unico cambiamento è stato uso di reti da LSTM dal pacchetto RNN su CRAN. Gli autori del pacchetto riguardano la loro attuazione LSTM come 8220experimental8221 e non si sentono che è ancora imparando correttamente, quindi si spera più miglioramenti a venire lì. (Età speso cercando di realizzare l'elemento LSTM usando il pacchetto mxnet ma ha dato come couldn8217t capire il formato di input corretto quando si utilizzano più funzioni di allenamento.) Pubblicheremo i risultati di piena WFO quando ho finito la versione LSTM di DeepLearn. r Confusion Matrix e Le statistiche di riferimento Predizione 0 1 0 1641 1167 1 1225 1701 Precisione. 0,5828 95 CI. (0,5699, 0,5956) n informazioni tasso. 0,5002 P-valore ACC gt NIR. lt2e-16 Kappa. 0,1657 Mcnemar039s test p-value. 0,2438 sensibilità. 0,5726 specificità. 0,5931 Pos Valore Pred. 0,5844 Neg Valore Pred. 0,5813 Prevalenza. 0,4998 Detection Rate. 0,2862 rilevazione Prevalenza. 0,4897 Precisione bilanciato. 0,5828 039Positive039 Class. 0 Risultati dei test di WFO qui sotto. Anche in questo caso, cambiare solo ai file originale è stato l'uso di LSTM in R, piuttosto che DNNSAE. conto Cabina centrale Test DeepLearnLSTMV4 EURUSD simulato AssetsFix Bar periodo di 1 ora (media 87 min) periodo di simulazione 15.05.2014-07.06.2016 (12486 bar) periodo di prova 04.05.2015-07.06.2016 (6649 bar) periodo Lookback 100 bar (4 giorni) cicli di prova WFO 11 x 604 bar (5 settimane) cicli di formazione 12 x 5439 bar (46 settimane) di Monte Carlo cicli 200 slittamento ipotizzate 0.0 sec Stendere 0.0 pips (rotolo 0.000.00) I contratti per lotto 1000.0 lordi winloss 3628 -3235 ( 5199p) profitto medio 360 anni, 30 mesi, 1,38 giorni Max drawdown -134 34 (MAE -134 34) totale i tempi di 95 (TAE 95) Max tempi di fermo 5 settimane da Agosto 2015 Max margine aperta 40 Max aperto rischio 35 del volume del commercio 5.710.964 (5212,652 mila anni ) I costi di transazione 0.00 spr, 0,00 slp, 0.00 rol capitale richiesto 262 Numero di compravendite 6787 (6195 anni, 120 settimane, 25 giorni) Percentuale di vincita 57,6 Max winloss 16 -14 Avg profitto commercio 0,06 0.8p (12.3p -14.8p) Media commercio slittamento 0.00 0.0p (-0.0p 0.0p) Media barre commerciali 1 (1 -2) bar commercio Max 3 (3 ore) Tempo di mercato 177 Max negoziazione aperta 3 Max perdita striatura 17 (non correlata 11) di ritorno 137 fattore di profitto annuale 1.12 (PRR 1.08) Sharpe ratio 1.79 criterio di Kelly 2.34 coefficiente R2 0,435 Ulcera indice 13,3 Predizione errore 152 fiducia AR DDMax Capitale 10 143 128 252 20 129 144 278 30 117 161 306 40 107 179 336 50 101 190 355 60 92 213 392 70 85 232 425 77 257 466 80 90 64 314 559 95 53 383 675 100 42 495 859 analisi del portafoglio OptF Prof WinLoss Peso unitario cicli EURUSD 0,219 1.12 39.072.880 100,0 XXX EURUSD: L 0,302 1.17 18.301.658 65,0 EURUSD: S .145 1.08 20.771.222 35,0 interessante per un immobile implementazione LSTM sperimentale che il risultato non sembra male. Mi può aiutare a rispondere ad alcune domande che ho pochi domanda di seguito: 1.I vogliono testare la modalità Commissione. Se uso mediatore interattivo, devo impostare Commissione. nel caso normale. 2. Se si preme il pulsante di 8220trade8221, vedo il registro lo script utilizzerà DeepLearnEURUSD. ml. Così commercio reale userà DeepLearnEURUSD. ml per ottenere il modello di commercio e utilizzare la funzione neural. predict al commercio 3. Se uso il computer lento per addestrare i dati, dovrei passare DeepLearnEURUSD. ml al computer commercio I test del reale commercio su mie Interactive brokers e premere il pulsante di risultato. Posso usare Commission0.60 per addestrare il neurale e ottenere il risultato vero Grazie. Pulsante Risultato visualizza il messaggio di seguito: commercio Trend EURUSD Bar periodo di 2 minuti (media 2 min) periodo 02.11.2016-02.11.2016 commerciale Diffusione 0.5 pip (rotolo -0.020.01) della Commissione 0,60 contratti per lotto 1000.0 Commissione dovrebbe essere di norma non istituito nello script, ma è entrato nello specifico elenco di asset broker. In caso contrario, si doveva modificare lo script ogni volta che si vuole testare con un broker o un account diverso. IB ha diverse dimensioni dei lotti e delle commissioni, quindi è necessario aggiungere il comando allo script quando si vuole testarlo per un account IB. Sì, DeepLearnEURUSD. ml è il modello per trading dal vivo, ed è necessario copiarlo sul commercio computer. Caro JCL scrivo assetList (AssetsIB. csv) al posto giusto così in basso risultato code8217s comprende Commissione I test con il risultato Commissione che sembra piuttosto buona. Annual 93 3177p function run() StartDate 20140601 BarPeriod 60 1 hour LookBack 100 WFOPeriod 25224 1 year DataSplit 90 NumCores -1 use all CPU cores but one assetList(8220AssetsIB. csv8221) set(RULES) Spread RollLong RollShort Commission Slippage 0 LifeTime 3 if(Train) Hedge 2 if(adviseLong(NEURALBALANCED,0, change(1),change(2),change(3),change(4), range(1),range(2),range(3),range(4)) gt 0.5) enterLong() if(adviseShort() gt 0.5) enterShort() Problem 1: I run the DeepLearn. c in the IB paper trade. The code 8220LifeTime 3 prediction horizon8221 seems to close the position that you open after 3 bars(3 hours). But I can8217t see it close the position on third bar close. I see the logs below: Closing prohibited 8211 check NFA flag EURUSD::L4202 Can8217t close 11.10995 at 09:10:51 Problem 2: In my IB paper trade, it the default order size is 1k on EURUSD. How to change the order size in paper trade Thank you very much. IB is an NFA compliant broker. You can not close trades on NFA accounts. You must set the NFA flag for opening a reverse position instead. And you must enable trading costs, otherwise including the commission has no effect. I don8217t think that you get a positive result with trading costs. Those account issues are not related to machine learning, and are better asked on the Zorro forum. Or even better, read the Zorro manual where all this is explained. Just search for 8220NFA8221. I do some experiment to change the neural8217s parameter with commission. The code is below: function run() StartDate 20140601 BarPeriod 60 1 hour LookBack 100 WFOPeriod 25224 1 year DataSplit 90 NumCores -1 use all CPU cores but one assetList(8220AssetsIB. csv8221) set(RULES) Spread RollLong RollShort Slippage 0 LifeTime 3 if(Train) Hedge 2 if(adviseLong(NEURALBALANCED,0, change(1),change(3),change(5),change(7),change(9), range(1),range(3),range(5),range(7),range(9)) gt 0.7) enterLong() if(adviseShort() gt 0.7) enterShort() I get the result with commission that Annual Return is about 23. But I don8217t complete understand the zorro8217s setting and zorro8217s report. Grazie. The result: Annual 23 661p Walk-Forward Test DeepLearn EURUSD Simulated account AssetsIB. csv Bar period 1 hour (avg 86 min) Simulation period 15.05.2014-09.09.2016 (14075 bars) Test period 23.04.2015-09.09.2016 (8404 bars) Lookback period 100 bars (4 days) WFO test cycles 14 x 600 bars (5 weeks) Training cycles 15 x 5401 bars (46 weeks) Monte Carlo cycles 200 Simulation mode Realistic (slippage 0.0 sec) Spread 0.0 pips (roll 0.000.00) Commission 0.50 Contracts per lot 20000.0 Gross winloss 24331 -22685 (914p) Average profit 1190year, 99month, 4.58day Max drawdown -1871 114 (MAE -1912 116) Total down time 92 (TAE 41) Max down time 18 weeks from Dec 2015 Max open margin 2483 Max open risk 836 Trade volume 26162350 (18916130year) Transaction costs 0.00 spr, 0.00 slp, 0.00 rol, -1306 com Capital required 5239 Number of trades 1306 (945year, 19week, 4day) Percent winning 52.5 Max winloss 375 -535 Avg trade profit 1.26 0.7p (19.7p -20.3p) Avg trade slippage 0.00 0.0p (0.0p -0.0p) Avg trade bars 2 (2 -3) Max trade bars 3 (3 hours) Time in market 46 Max open trades 3 Max loss streak 19 (uncorrelated 10) Annual return 23 Profit factor 1.07 (PRR 0.99) Sharpe ratio 0.56 Kelly criterion 1.39 R2 coefficient 0.000 Ulcer index 20.8 Confidence level AR DDMax Capital 10 29 1134 4153 20 27 1320 4427 30 26 1476 4656 40 24 1649 4911 50 23 1767 5085 60 22 1914 5301 70 21 2245 5789 80 19 2535 6216 90 16 3341 7403 95 15 3690 7917 100 12 4850 9625 Portfolio analysis OptF ProF WinLoss Wgt Cycles EURUSD .256 1.07 685621 100.0 XXXXXXXXXXXX EURUSD:L .476 1.16 294278 94.5 EURUSD:S .026 1.01 391343 5.5 Market Place: RS America s For Sale There are three conditions to using the RS America site to sell your RSA and they are as follows: When you sell your RSA. please be sure to tell the cars new owner about the RS America registry and this website, and please encourage his or her participation. Please make sure you inform me as soon as you sell your RSA to help ensure that all ads posted on the site are current. Let me know the new owners name, state of residence and e-mail address or phone so I can invite him or her to join the registry How do I place an ad to sell my RS America on the Marketplace page Click on the 8220Place an Ad8221 link below. This will automatically start an e-mail message from you to me. In this e-mail message, type the text that you would like to appear in your ad (use the table below as a guide to ensure you havent missed anything). When youve finished typing in the text, dont forget to attach a picture of your car to the message. Suggested data to include in your ad: SOLD. 1993 RS America. THE VERY FIRST RS America MADE VIN 001. This is the very first RS America built 30,562 miles Driven on the street for a while and then converted early on to race trim. Original Grand Prix White paint, no accidents or repaint. Original factory options include: Limited slip no ac or sunroof. Competition roll cage with removable door bars. Race suspension. Fuel cell and 3.8 liter engine. Dyno sheets available showing 340 hp, 302ftlbs of torque. Only 2 hours run time since 20,000 engine rebuild by Eurosport. Professionally raced by David Murry. The car has title and can be registered for street use. Original street parts include gas tank, suspension, rear wing, wheels. Certificate of Authenticity interesting history. A VERY collectible RS America. 135,000 Chuck S - Chicago, IL SOLD. 1993 RS America Grand Prix White. 71,000 miles. Options: Sunroof, LSD, Radio and Air conditioning. Last two options were removed. Car has always been road registered but is modified for the race track with: 3.8 993 Cup spec engine recently rebuild. Gearbox also recently rebuild. with shorter final gears. Welded cage. 2 x Recaro Pole Position seats. ABS onoff switch, Moton 3 way Club Sport suspension in complete uniball set up. 993 Turbo brakes all round. Currently fitted with RSR rear wing but OEM wing available also available. Recently new drive shafts. Always serviced at professional Porsche race shop. Car is located in Florida and available for pre-purchase inspection. This is a very well set up car. 120K Ivo van Riet - Amsterdam, The Netherlands SOLD. 1993 RS America Midnight Blue metallic. Blue seatbelts amp door pulls. Low mileage: 54K. Third owner. Three-option car: air conditioning, radio and sunroof. Very well setup and maintained very quick. Upgrades include: Bilstein RSR struts upper and lower monoball mounts Faulkner 400F600R springs adjustable camber plates monoballs on A-frames amp trailing arms Cup car sway bars amp shock tower brace upgraded brakes stainless steel brake lines close ratio transmission with Quaife and RUF short shift kit lightweight flywheel amp cup car clutch BampB headers chip RUF front chin spoiler 188221 3-piece forged wheels with Pilot Super Sports. Car has been lowered and corner balanced and handles like a dream. Great car for the street or autocross amp drivers-ed events. I have 30,000-plus worth of receipts for upgrades and maintenance from new. All original documentation, window sticker and brochures plus complete tool kit. Many original parts included - wheels, driving lights, Porsche tire inflator, jack (2 versions), nonfunctional radio, stock Bosch coils, stock headers and manifolds, stock exhaust, stock clutch and flywheel, rear undertray, stock coil-overs, stock sway bars (front and rear). More photos and records available upon request. 120,000 Paul W. - Chicago, Illinois SOLD. 1993 RS America 27K original miles. Grand Prix White with red seat belts and door pulls. Factory options include: LSD with AC No sunroof, radio delete. 27,xxx miles. 4th owner. Owned last 12 years by 23 year PCA member. No accidents. No dings. Interior in excellent shape with usual light wear area on drivers seat bolster. Tasteful upgrades include: Genuine Cup 1 88221 amp 98221 rims with spacers (5mm front and 15mm rear), Bilstein HDs with HampR turbo springs, Perfect Power strut brace, Genuine Porsche RS steering rack brace, Genuine Porsche Motorsport alcantara Momo steering wheel w factory airbag bypass, Genuine Porsche RS center caps, Genuine Porsche RS engine mounts, Genuine Porsche RS adjustable rear sway bar. Genuine Porsche RS short shift, H4 headlights, RS America floor mats, Genuine Porsche Heater bypass, cat bypass, primary bypass. All stock parts retained, H5s and center caps. Certificate of Authenticity. 135,000 SOLD. 1993 RS America Black exterior. 64,254 miles. Very Good condition. PCA member owned. All four factory options: Air Conditioning, Sunroof, Limited Slip, and AMFM radio. Complete with original spare wheel with compressor and tools. Very well maintained. Upgrades include: Eibach springs, heavy sway bars, strut brace, BampB exhaust, KampN Air Filter, Weltmeister Performance Chip, OZ 188221 wheels with Michelin PS2 tires, chin spoiler. Original muffler and airbox are included with the car along with a Porsche car cover. A set of 188221 Turbo twist wheels are also available. 90,000 Will S - Yorkville, IL SOLD. 1993 RS America The Auto Gallery is pleased to present this OUTSTANDING CONDITION 1993 Porsche 911 RS America with 5-Speed Manual Transmission. Finished in a Guards Red Exterior. This Porsche has been very well maintained, recently serviced, and with only 116k miles, it is in amazing condition Take advantage of this opportunity as this beautiful 93 RS America is being offered at an incredible price and buy with confidence from a Certified Porsche Dealer As with all of our vehicles it is CARFAX certified. Please dont hesitate to call or visit our showroom with any questions you may have. 99,980 Marlon G - Los Angeles, CA SOLD. 1993 RS America UNMOLESTED - Completely stock Midnight Blue metallic with Blue seatbeltsdoor pulls. 52K original miles. Optioned with sunroof, air conditioning and factory floor mats. Absolutely no modifications other than Blaupunkt radio (car was not delivered with a factory radio) and Boston Acoustics speakers. Three meticulous owners, zero track time and all service records going back to 2004, as well as the original window sticker. One of only 84 examples produced for 1994. Serious seller looking for a serious buyer with cash in hand. 115,000 firm. Alex P of Los Angeles, CA SOLD. 1993 RS America This Guards red RSA is a rare, one option car, with factory limited slip and 54K miles. Imported from the U. S. in 2012. Nearly stock, with a few items replaced or upgraded (does not have original RSA seats). The suspension was replaced in 2013 with KW V3s, and a new Sachs clutch was installed. The car does not burn or drip any oil and the motor pulls very strong. Overall condition is very good - must be seen to be fully appreciated. 85,000 Chris D of Toronto, Ontario, Canada WITHDRAWN. 1993 RS America - Owner saw the light. and its a keeper VIN WPOAB2964PS419307. Black with only 60,000 original miles. In excellent overall condition and completely stock with the exception of an aftermarket stereo and speakers. Car comes with original RS America rear deck lid emblem. Factory options include: air conditioning and electric sunroof. Its been a hanger queen for the last 8 years. 95,000 SOLD. 1993 RS America ONE OF ONLY FOUR produced in FLY Yellow VIN WPOAB296. One of only 4 ever produced in FLY Yellow. thats right, ONE OF FOUR. This car has 44,xxx original documented miles with ZERO paintwork and is stock and unmolested. Factory options include: sunroof, limited slip, and air conditioning. In my tenure with the car (approximately 6 years) Ive added a correct CR-1 radio and installed European RS lowering springs (I have the original RS springs, but they just seem too high for the car). The car is a multiple concours winner, is wonderful to drive, and a collectors dream given its rarity (remember only 701 RS Americas were ever produced ). I have all books, records, manuals, the RS supplement, RS brochure, RS technical booklet, RS rear emblem, and the additional set of keys. Given recent sale of a basic Guards Red RS for 125,000, this one of 4 is a bargain. 209,999 Bob M - Hanover, MD SOLD. 1993 RS America Offered for sale is a VERY nice black RSA with red door straps and seat belts. Build date 692. 58,600 miles and in very good condition. Recently serviced. Factory options: Limited slip, radio and air condition. No sunroof Original spare tire, air compressor and jack never used. One track event and always garaged. H amp R springs with Bilstein struts and shocks, lowered to Euro spec and corner balanced. Fabspeed cat and primary muffler bypass. 911 cat and muffler bypass chip installed. This car runs and sounds fantastic Three spoke Momo steering wheel installed. Removable harness bar and two Schroth 5-point harnesses included. All original equipment, springs, shocks and struts, steering wheel with airbag, muffler and cat as well as original chip are included. All original owners manuals with RSA supplement manual. Sept 92 Road amp Track, Sports Car Intl magazines with RS America reviews included. PPI completed. Exterior just detailed and in beautiful condition. Car cover included. This is a very nice unmolested RS America. 139,900 Larry S - Elizabethtown, KY SOLD. 1993 RS America Grand Prix White - 2nd owner, excellent condition, always garaged, 116K miles no leaks, no issues, great car. Factory options include:- AC and Sunroof. Aftermarket radio fitted. Upgrades include: Foglights replaced with brake cooling ducts. Lowered to Euro ride height. Single fan-belt conversion. Original Cup-1 wheels plastic dipped black. PCA member owned. Original parts and window sticker included in sale. 65,000 William V - Decatur, AL SOLD. 1993 RS America Guards Red. Excellent condition. 29,000 original miles. Garaged since 2008, never driven in snow, 6 track days in 1999, aftermarket exhaust (original comes with car) but otherwise original. Factory options: No AC, no sunroof, limited slip diff, factory radio (8 other wheels available) I love this car and brought it with me when a temporary job took me to Alaska in 2000. The job may be permanent now. I cant justify locking this beauty in the garage any longer. 70,000 JAI S - Anchorage AK SOLD. 1994 RS America Less than 22K miles Guards Red. Overall condition: Excellent. 21,297 original miles. No Sunroof - the only factory option is: Limited Slip Differential. A hidden CD player and speakers have been added but are removable. It has factory red door pulls and seat belts, plus a harness bar installed with a new Recaro SPG Profi racing seat. The car has been lightened for autocross, it comes with a carbon fiber hood, a carbon fiber wing and a fiberglass deck lid. The air intake system has been replaced with a K amp N aluminum unit, the springs have been replaced to lower the ride height, M030 suspension, 2nd muffler has been removed, Rennline aluminum pedals and floor boards. It comes with 3 sets of wheels, 178221 dia. black painted 88221F amp 98221R - plus a second set with Hoosier autocross tires, 178221 dia. painted guards red 8.58221F amp 9.58221R set with spacers and Dunlop Direzza tires, AND 188221 dia. black painted OZ Racing light weight 88221F amp 98221R set with Yokohama Neova tires. All the tires are like new. There are two sets of seats, the original factory fabric set and a red Recaro hard shell set. I have all the factory original manuals, window sticker, tool pouch, jack, spare tire and pumpinflator. All factory original parts come with the car. 72,000 Maurice S - Roscoe, IL SOLD. 1994 RS America Black. Overall condition: Excellent. 43,000 miles. All 4 factory options: CR-1 Radio Sunroof Air-Conditioning Limited Slip Differential. UpgradesEnhancements: Recaro Seats (Black with red inserts and stitching) with 6 point Simpson harnesses roll bar (Rear luggage shelf removed) FabSpeed dual exhaust trickle charger and battery quick-disconnect High-end Panasonic radio with Bluetooth phone connections front strut tower brace drilled rotors integrally mounted trailer hitch. Included is full track trailer with welded frame for the four OEM track wheels and Dunlop track tires and large tool box for all your DE weekend needs. 65,000 David B - Boulder, CO SOLD. 1994 RS America Midnight Blue Metallic with blue belts and door pulls. 112K miles and slowly climbing. This is a driver - NOT a trailer queen As a 1994 RSA it was fitted with rear seats from the factory. Factory options include: Sunroof, Air conditioning, and Limited Slip Differential. The car was gone through by TLG Porsche in 2011 when it had 104K miles on it, at the cost of more than 31k. Everything from the suspension to the engine top end was replaced andor sorted (receipts available). At that time the car was painted and the original wheels were powder coated. The interior shows wear on the seats from getting in and out as well as the door handlespulls. The paint is in good condition, however it does have some road chips. Nothing bad, but some areas on the front hood and bumper have been touched up with Porsche color matching touch up paint. The car has never been tracked and was used as a daily driver by the previous owner who bought it in the late 90s (receipt available). Three owners. I have the original window sticker and maintenance records since new. The quotRSquot side decals were never installed. It is an original San Diego car and has remained in SoCal its entire life. 47,000 Mike T - Escondido, CA SOLD. 1993 RS America Black with red belts. No accidents. Extremely clean, only 73K miles and all four factory options: Sunroof, Limited Slip Differential, ac and Porsche CR-1 stereo. A few minor chips on front hood, typical of agemileage. New windshield. New big red brakes. OZ Superleggera wheels currently on car with original RSA wheels included. Cup bypass exhaust. HampR coil overs. Uprated cams. Turbo-S fog lights with brake cooling ducts. Original interior. Car is very fast, sounds great, especially when comes up on the cams, and has awesome brakes. A real head turner. Drives perfectly. No issues. 3M film on front bumper, side view mirrors, amp behind door handles. 1 of only 84 RS Americas built in 1994 - the year they were fitted with rear seats. PCA and SVRA racing member owned. Love the car and only selling to help finance purchase of another vintage Porsche race car. More pictures available on request. 53,000 SOLD. 1993 RS America track car Grand Prix White. This car has been a dedicated track car its whole life and has only 19K miles. Cosmetically it is 810. Originally built by TRG out of California for tracking by a Las Vegas customer, I picked this car up off this site back in 2005. The car was raced PCA and IRDC locally for 2 years. Upgrades include: a full roll cage by the Racers Group, a Fuel Cell, Fire System, AIM dashboard and accessories, revised ring and pinion, Lightweight flywheel, close ratio gearing. The car had new Recaro seats and belts fitted 4 years ago and its never been driven on track with them. The car has R38 tail installed as shown, but the factory rear tail is included along with stock rims with old tires. Rims as shown in picture with Hoosier rain slicks attached. 1 set Fikse wheels for use with Hoosier slicks. Please email me for additional photos. This car has been maintained by Cantrell Motorsports in Kirkland, WA. Reason for sale is I parked this car to race 997 Cup cars. 48,000 including listed wheels and spares. Mark A - Gig Harbor, WA SOLD. Unmolested 1993 RS America Original owner. Polar Silver Metallic. 61,000 miles. Excellent condition. Garaged, non-smoker. Purchased from Porsche dealership Aug 1993. Factory options include: factory AC, no sunroof (more headroom), stereo upgrade Alpine AMFM, CD with Infinity speakers. Bridgestone SO2a tires. 52,500 Mark W - Belleair, FL SOLD. 1993 RS America Black. 60,080 miles. Excellent condition. Originally owned by Brad Whitford - of the band Aerosmith. Factory options include: limited slip differential, AC, Radio. Upgrades include: Recaro SRD seats - black. Camlock 5 point harnesses. Steve Wong Chip (dyno proven results). Fabspeed Stainless Steel Header and Exhaust. H amp R Sport Springs. Carrera Cup Sway bars and links. Alpine Stereo. Incredible for street or track or autocross. email for more pics or info. 52,500 including all original parts PLUS a second set of wheels with Nitto NT-01 tires. Stu S - Rochester, NY SOLD. 1993 RS America - track car Black. 84K miles. Fikse FM10 wheels 18 x 88221 amp 18 x 108221 with techni-polish finish. 993 turbo 8220Big Red8221 front brake kit (brand new rotors and pads in last 300 miles). Engine rebuild at 73,000 miles in 708 by IPB-Autosport of Sacramento, CA. New ringsbearings. ARP head studs and rod bolts. Terry Hunt heads (best of the best). New valves and springs and retainers. RUFWebb cams. RS lightweight flywheel. ERP monoballs front and rear. Moton Clubsport shocks. Adjustable camber plates. Eibach springs 700 front and 900 rears. Corner balanced. RUF auxiliary oil cooler. RUF front strut tower brace. RUF short shifter. RUF full leather steering wheel. RUF lower chin spoiler (not pictured but is installed). RUF badging. Full FVD exhaust with hi-flow cats option. Guard limited slip differential. DAS roll bar powder coated and installed. Lightweight battery with Rennline battery holder including quick shutoff switch. Factory Euro GT3 hardback seats in leather with factory Porsche crests. Alpine radio with display screen and iPodiPhone interface as well as upgraded speakers. Clifford alarm system. All receipts, records and manuals go with the car. Believe it or not. THERES MUCH MORE. 56,500 . Scott-C - Charlotte, NC SOLD. 1993 RS America Guards Red. 112K Miles - just completed major service, includes reseal timing cam cases ( 3K ). Maintenance done at BTM MotorWerks in Campbell, CA. Rare zero option model - lightest version plus more headroom. Modifications include: PSS9 coil over suspension, RS drop links, Brey Krause carbon fiber strut brace, 88221 amp 98221 x 17 CUP 1 wheels, Toyo 888 tires. Lowered and aligned to EU RSCUP specs. CUP bypass CAT bypass smogged. PCA member owned - LPR region. Used for Sunday cruises to coast, a few AXs and DEs per year. Reliable, fast and a lot of fun. 35,500 Ross M - San Jose, CA SOLD. 1993 RS America street car with track modifications. Black - professionally repainted June -2011. Original owner car with only 36,000 Highway miles, Always Garaged. The car has 17,400 DE and Club Race miles. Upgrades include: Rebuilt engine (2008) Rebuilt transmission (2009) Moton sport shocks (2008). Added Front spoiler amp RS 3.8 rear wing. Lightweight Flywheel. Cool shirt system. Calipers rebuilt (2008). Race Pak Data acquisition. Performance chip. Ring amp Pinion. Custom exhaustheaders. Sparco seats. Brake cooling kit. Big Red brakes. 2 sets Fikse wheels, plus 1 set of (original) Cup 1 wheels with Hoosier Rains. Roll Cage. Armourfend. Schroth Belts. Total invested by current owner 38,700 59,383 98,083. Asking 40,000 Woody S - Glen Arm, MD SOLD. 1993 RS America Guards Red. 29,000 miles, Excellent condition. Factory options include: Sunroof, LSD and Air Conditioning. upgraded radio. 54,900 Bob M - Hanover, MD SOLD. 1993 RS America - track car BlackGuards Red. Developed by Greg Fordahl at Fordahl Motorsports. Maintained by Jeff Gamroth, Scott and Carl at RothSport. ModificationsUpgrades include: Sparco Racing seat, Racing radios. 18 gallon fuel cell, JRZ double adjustable shocks. Porsche Motorsports adjustable springs. Big Red Porsche Turbo Brakes. Custom front brake rotor and hubs. Custom Rothsport integrated brake cooling ducts. Setup for racing 188221 slicks (Pirelli, Yokohama. Dunlop) - Can also be run on DOT Legal 8220R8221 compound tires (Hoosier, Kumho). 5 speed G50 transmission with short 3, 4 and 5th gears. Rothsport short shift mechanism. Auxiliary transmission cooler. GT limited-Slip rear differential. Engine: Chris German Auto built 3.8 Liter Porsche 911 engine. Motec engine management. Upgraded pistons and cylinders. Upgraded connecting rods and rod pins. Custom cams. Porsche Motorsport 3.8 heads, Fresh motor. Spares: 1 sets of 188221 wheels with Hoosier Rain Slicks, RSA (Steel) front and rear hood. 69,500 with all spares including a 24 ft Pace GT trailer. Additional photos available on request. Eddie Y - Seattle, WA SOLD. 1993 RS America Guards Red with red belts amp door pulls. 76,750 miles. Clean, always garaged and well maintained. Used for 3-4 DEs a year and sunny days during my ownership since 2009. Factory options include: Limited Slip differential, Air Conditioning amp Sunroof. ModificationsUpgrades include: New JVC CDw iPod adapter stereo with Boston Acoustics door speakers amp Infinity speakers mounted on rear shelf with Kicker 300 watt amp mounted in passenger side storage box. BBS RS-GT (smoke) 18quot wheels. Currently mounted Michelin Pilot Sport Cups (235265s). Full Bilstein Cup suspension, 650800lbs springs, corner balanced amp lowered 65K miles. Carrera Cup clutch with new slave cylinder amp lighter flywheel. AUTOTHORITY DME chip 42K miles. BampB Stainless headers-heaters boxes-cat bypass exhaust with KampN cone intake. Safety Devices roll bar (with brackets for front cage). Crow 5-point harnesses with factory belts still installed (legal date for DEs). Red Corbeau seats. 2.5 lb Halon fire extinguisher with quick release roll bar mount. Zimmerman Slotted front rotors(installed Oct. 2011). Braided amp coated stainless steel brake lines. Removable front amp rear tow hooks. Brey Kraus front strut tower brace. Factory 993 door handles painted Guards Red. Custom aluminum pedals with engraved PORSCHE logo. Polished stainless steel gauge bezel rings. Stainless steel RS America door sills. New distributor rotors amp caps, spark plugs, belts, fuel filter, rear wheel bearings, front hood struts, amp valves adjusted 56K. New battery, ignition wires, and distributor vent kit 54K. Also, includes tool kit with air compressor, car cover, manuals, books. FULL car history documented with receipts. Car is in excellent condition and runs perfectly. full PPI done on 5812 with no issues. A copy is available upon request for prospective buyers. Local P-car mechanic who has serviced it is happy to answer any specific questions about caremaintenance. 40,500 Mark C - Trappe, MD SOLD. 1993 RS America Midnight Blue Metallic with red door pulls and seat belts. Sunroof delete. 83,000 miles. Second owner (since 1998). Always garaged and in good condition. Beautiful car. 35,900 Dirk R.- Toronto, Ontario Canada SOLD. 1993 RS America Grand-Prix White. Excellent condition. 75,300 miles with records. Non-sunroof. One factory option: air-conditioning (now removed). G5021 Euro close-ratio 6 speed with limited-slip differential (re-packed by Paul Guard), lightweight flywheel amp GT3 clutch. Bilstein PSS10s amp RS swaybars, Recaro Pole Position seats and long list of RS parts. C2 Deck lid with pop-up spoiler. quotBig Blackquot 993TT964TT brakes, Roll Bar and 6 point belts and new Nitto NT01 tires. A great DEstreet car. Originally a California car. 42,000 Frank P - Briarcliff, NY SOLD. 1993 RS America Guards Red, 44,300 miles, Excellent condition. All four factory options. No mechanical modifications. Kinesis modular wheels with Bridgestone Potenzas with 35 tread remaining. Distributor vent kit and new belt installed in 2005. A very nice, mechanically unmodified RSA with consistent service history. Drives and runs very well. Original Cup I wheels and original radio included. Pioneer Radio with CD player currently installed, mated with 4 Infinity speakers. Plus a set of HampR lowering springs, still new in box. 41,500 Doug B - Woodbury, CT SOLD. 1993 RS America Guards Red. 88K miles. Meticulously maintained. The car has a 3.8 RSR aero kit including front splitters and rear wing. 3K mile Mobile 1 15-50 oil changes, yearly major services regardless of mileage. Swepco gear oil always used. The car has been owned by myself, a mechanic and shop owner, for the past 3 years 20K miles. Factory options include: Sunroof, CR-1 cassette radio and ac (AC system has been removed). ModificationsUpgrades include: 93-94 Turbo brakes wstainless lines. HampR coilovers, TRG sway bars. Momo racing seat for the drivers side. Wings engineering 3rd foot gas pedal. Aussie RS chip from Powerchip 250whp on the dyno. Secondary muffler bypass pipe. KampN Cone filter instead of the stock airbox. Harnesses, for both occupants. New clutch and flywheel installed at around 62K miles. No leaks. The car comes with all records and receipts dating back to the original window sticker. 3 sets of wheels included - 1 set of 993 cup wheels with 205255 Kumho all seasons, the original RSA Cup 1 wheels with 205255 RA-1s (pretty well worn), maybe 2-3 days of life left. Also a set of 993 RS wheels with 235275 RA-1s (worn as well). Front and rear spacers are included. NOAH car cover included along with all original parts - stock suspension, airbox, engine cover, etc. if I have it, its yours. The car is capable of running 2:12s at VIR and 1:20s at Roebling Road. Randy Pobst has driven the car, in fact, his signature can be found under the front hood. He said he loved driving it. 38,000 Andy S - Rockville, MD SOLD. 1993 RS America Grand Prix White. 69K miles. Very clean inside and out, all records since new, everything works. Factory options include, sunroof and AC only. Stereo added. Paint is in nice condition, tires about 80 to 90. Car has G-pipe, 928 brakes, new pads on all four corners and front strut bar. It looks great, is mechanically solid, has a good clutch and no leaks. This is a really nice, solid car that gets lots of looks and drives straight and perfect, like new. Feel free to call with questions. 44,000 Joe W - Shell Beach, CA SOLD. 1993 RS America Guards Red with red door straps and seat belts. Original owner, always garaged. 103k miles - good condition. Factory options include: air conditioning, sunroof, and slip differential. Factory original RS emblems were never installed but are included - along with the manuals. Additional photos available on request. 24,900 Mitch D - Panama City Beach, FL SOLD. 1993 RS America Black with 82K miles. I am the third owner. The car is in great shape and always garaged. This is a rare opportunity to acquire an outstanding example of one of the purest driving Porsches with tasteful upgrades. Red seatbelts and door pulls. Factory options include: air conditioning, sunroof, limited slip differential. ModificationsUpgrades include: RUF front shock tower brace and RUF front spoiler. AutoThority DME. Opened airbox. New clutch and flywheel. Alpine sound system. Lowered with Eibach springs. Secondary muffler bypass. Impeccably maintained by PowerTech and comes with all records and receipts from new. No leaks. New battery. no issues. Only driven 1.5K miles that last four years. No racing or driving events - weekend summer driving only. 40,000 . Nick N - Bayonne, NJ SOLD. 1993 RS America Polar Silver Metallic wred seat belts. 143K mostly freeway miles. Beautiful car, well taken care of, one non-smoking family owned. Original window sticker. Factory options include: sunroof delete car (desirable because of one and a half inches more headroom) with limited slip differential and AC. 41,000 . Marc L - Los Angeles, CA SOLD. 1993 RS America (Track prepared) Guards Red with black Interior. 35K miles. Fully set up and sorted race car, but licensed for road use. The only factory option is Limited Slip Differential - NO sunroof, ac, or radio. Custom Safety Devices cage Big Red Brakes Cryogenic Front and Rear Slotted Rotors New Pagid orange brake pads Customized Front and Rear Shocks Aero Front Spoiler Momo Steering Wheel BampB Headers with muffler Halon Fire Extinguisher Recaro race seats (driver and passenger) Red Schroth 6-point harnesses Kill switch Window net Fabspeed RS Carbon Fiber heater duct Kinesis 178221 K10 Forged modular wheels. OEM Cup I rims (178221 x 88221 wide front and 98221 wide rear) Custom gearing Lightweight Flywheel A strong, clean, legal, reliable car Many extras including RS 3.8 rear wing, Lexan windshield Stock steering wheel with Airbag and Stock Exhaust System included. 38,000 . Brian B - Boston, MA WITHDRAWN. 1993 RS America - Owner saw the light. and its a keeper Black. Excellent condition. Extremely clean. 97,150 miles and all four factory options: Sunroof, Limited Slip Differential, ac and Porsche CR-1 stereo. Perfect paint. No dings or chips anywhere. The Racers Group 25k track setup: JRZ adjustable race shocks frontrear. Complete Mono-ball suspension. 550750 lbs springs. Cup Car front brakes, strut bar, misc. suspension components. Extra set of Kinesis 88221 and 98221 forged track wheels. Original factory Matter 8220bolt-in8221 4-point roll bar (ensuring usable rear seats). Stock engine and exhaust for reliability. Original interior. Car is solid, very fast, sounds great, and has incredible brakes. Drives perfectly. All original parts to put back to 100 stock condition. 1 of only 84 RS Americas built in 1994 - the only year they were fitted with rear seats. Same owner since 1996. Rick G - Los Gatos, CA SOLD. 1993 RS America (Track prepared) Guards Red 48k miles. For Sale by 2nd owner. Maintained by Auto Edge, all maintenance and modification records available since new. Factory options include: Radio, AC, amp Factory LSD. No sunroof. Engine rebuilt at 45k miles. Dyno tested 262 RWHP. Lightweight flywheel and new clutch 47K. BampB stainless steel full race headers, mufflers and dual outlet exhaust. Bilstein Racing RS shocks with matching springs. Front camber plates Rear mono balls Genuine Cup car sway bars front and rear Solid engine mounts. Lexan windshield and headlights. Lightweight tail. Recaro seats OG roll cage Brey-Krause seat back brace Battery kill switch ABS reset switch transponder two wink mirrors hot lap amp egg timer. Cool suit (stinky shirt is extra). Fire extinguishing system. Cool brake kit. Two sets of Jongbloed racing 3 piece wheels. Some spare parts available brake caliper valves, brake pads, fan belt, rotors. Removed and still have AC compressor, radiator amp lines factory exhaust (no secondary muffler), seats, knee bar, radio, spare tire amp jack kit rear stowage bins factory seat belts, rear under tray, sun visors. 39,900 Phil W - Saint Paul, MN SOLD. 1993 RS America 79,600 original miles. Black. Sunroof delete and limited slip. Set up for track use with PCA Logbook and the following upgrades: JRZ Shocks w3 spring options monoballs solid motortrans mounts TRG adjustable sway barsdrop links dual oil coolers LW flywheel custom welded cage fiberglass wing one piece rear cover wdual outlet custom exhaust and headers quick release steering wheel wMomo Sparco Evo II on slider Rennline Cup floorsdash inserts. Can arrange track time at Eagles Canyon for review 34,900 . Steve W - Denton, TX SOLD. 1993 RS America Black. 79,312 miles. Fair to good condition - in need of a repaint, some paint cracking and usual road chips. All four Factory options: air-conditioning, limited slip, sunroof and radio. Cup 2 Mille Miglia wheels. Always garaged, no winters. Owner long-standing PCA member. Yacapin - San Diego, CA SOLD. 1993 RS America Midnight Blue Metallic. 72K miles. An excellent condition and very original RSA with all four factory options: radio, AC, limited slip, amp sunroof. Upgrades include: Schubert primary muffler plus G-pipe secondary muffler bypass. RUF shock tower brace. KampN cone air filter assembly. Upgraded gearbox synchros 40K miles. Eibach springs, lowered and corner balanced. Rims that come with the car are stock Cup 1 with very good Michelin Pilot Sports. The 3rd owner upgraded the radio and speakers. I was told the car has a Weltmeister TC-6500 Performance chip. (I have the original chip and it would be included). The car currently has Kinesis Wheels and a power actuated C2 rear spoiler lid (Euro Carrera RS look). If sold with the original Cup 1 wheelsMichelin Pilot Sports and the original RSA whale tail 35k . The Kinesis wheels and C2 lid are available for an additional 3,000 Chris C - Park Ridge, NJ SOLD. 1993 RS America Polar Silver Metallic with 38,600 miles in immaculate condition. All four factory Options Limited Slip Differential, Air Conditioning, Radio and electric Sunroof. I have added Rennline Pedals, DAS Autosport Bolt-in Roll Bar (no interior modifications required), Rennline Passenger Seat Mounted Fire Extinguisher, Red Seat Belts and BBS Wheels with Magnesium Centers (6K upgrade). I have all of the stock items and they are included with the car i. e. RS Wheels, Black Seat Belts and Rear Shelf. The car is stunning. 49,000 Tim R - Ft. Lauderdale, FL SOLD. 1993 RS America Guards Red with Red seat belts and door pulls. Factory options include:Sunroof, AC and Limited Slip. 35,555 original miles. A chance to buy an unmolested, true one-owner RSA in excellent original condition. I am selling this for my father who doesnt drive anymore. He bought it new and drove it to Pebble Beach quite a few times, but now it mostly sits on a car lift. It has a clear bra, a remote radar detector and an Alpine cassette player but is nearly 100 stock. It has never been raced or abused and is on its second set of tires. It has always been serviced by a professional shop here in Portland and has never had any issues. I can email for more pics. 50,000 obo. Eric L - Portland, OR SOLD. 1993 RS America Midnight Blue metallic. Blue seatbelts amp door pulls. Low mileage 43K. Second owner. Factory options include: air conditioning, radio and sunroof. Upgrades include: Bilstein RSR struts. Upper amp Lower Monoball mounts. Faulkner 400F600R springs. Adjustable camber plates. Monoballs on A-frames amp trailing arms. Cup car sway bars amp shock tower brace. Upgraded brakes Stainless Steel brake lines. Close ratio transmission with Quaife amp RUF short shift kit. Lightweight flywheel amp cup car clutch. BampB headers. Huntley Racing Stage II Programmable mass flow sensor with Custom Autothority chip. Items removed but included with car. Nology plug wires amp coils. Big bore throttle body with adjustable fuel regulator. Optima sealed battery. RUF front chin spoiler. 18quot 3 piece wheels with four new tires. Car has been lowered and corner balanced and handles like a dream. Great car for the street or autocross amp Drivers-Ed events. 30,000 worth of receipts for upgrades. All original documentation, window sticker and brochures plus complete tool kit. 41,000 Gary C - Chicago, IL SOLD. 1994 RS America Midnight Blue metallic. 49,329 miles. Excellent condition. Second owner (non-smoker). Immaculate original interior. Spotless, dent-free exterior. Always kept in heated garage and not driven during winter months. Mechanically flawless no oil on garage floor. Factory Options: Electric sunroof, air conditioning and stereo. Upgradesenhancements: Stereo. 42,000 Greg T - Barrington, IL SOLD. 1993 RS America VIN WPOAB296. Guards Red. 52K miles. Street and Drivers Ed Time Trial set up. LSD and radio options added. Fast, reliable and well maintained, in addition to being shown at concours events. 280BHP at wheels with 993 heads, carrillo rods, AASE valve springs amp titanium retainers, BB headers and exhaust, extra oil and transmission coolers, short gears, track suspension with Eibach coilovers and matched valved Bilstein shocks. 3.8 rear spoiler with additional removable carbon fiber wing for track. Big Red 964 turbo brakes, shift light, cool suit set up, extra set lightweight Fiske rims with Hoosiers. Red Sparco race seats with six point belts, plus much more. I hate to part with it but 2007 GT3 won me over. Extra pictures available upon request. 45,000 Jim B - San Diego, CA SOLD. 1993 RS America Black. 111,000 miles. This excellent condition, 100 stock RSA took 1st place in the PCA Car show. An excellent drive, it is always garaged and covered. I replaced the main computer with an OEM computer. This is a very clean RSA. Factory options include Limited slip differential amp Air Conditioning. Upgrades include tinted windows and a Blaupunkt CD Stereo with 12 CD changer. Included are car cover, bra and Mirror bralettes. 36,000 . Steve L - Peoria, AZ SOLD. 1993 RS America - Track car. Midnight Blue Metallic with orange vinyl graphics. 25K miles. Excellent condition. Has been a race car since new, but still have the original parts removed during its race preparation. Car weighs in at 2700 lbs. Modificationsupgrades include: Completely fresh motor - 0-miles. New racing differential. Hargett Precision Shifter. New Clutch. Fuel Safe cell. 2 Sets 188221 BBS wheels wnew slicks. 1 Set 178221 C2 wheels wnew rain tires. Sparco race seats. Car ran 1:35.884 at Mid Ohio in 2008 with a tired motor and stock LSD. 45,000 obo. Brandon A - Indianapolis, IN SOLD. 1993 RS America Guards Red. 51K miles. 3rd Owner with the 2nd being a local meticulous PCA Racer also. PCA G Class Race Car with Class Records - no mechanical DNFs. Factory Options: Limited Slip Differential and Sunroof Delete. Ready to race today and professionally setup and maintained by John Gladwill at Boardwalk Porsche in Plano, TX. Weighs less than 2700 lbs dry. Custom brake duct cooling. Wired for Motorola Race Radio. Custom Headers and Exhaust. Cool Suit System (cooler in the front). Traqmate System with HD Camera Input and Chasecam. Moton Clubsport adjustable shocks. Transmission recently freshened at Boardwalk. GT3RS flywheel. Sparco EVO seats with sliders. Brey Krause seat back brace. Schroth Hans 6pt Harness. Lexan front glass. Autopower Custom Roll Cage. 4 sets of wheels 178221 Factory Cups w Hoosier Rains, 178221 Kinesis K-20, 188221 BBS RM, and 188221 CCW all with Hoosier R6s. I have a small warehouse of original parts including the seats so the car could be converted back to street or these items could be e-bayed for . Truly too many upgrades to list them all. This RSA has been a club racer since 2004 and I adopted it in 2007. Well documented history going back to the beginning. This RSA can run at the top of its class, search Harbold under Driver History rennpoints Highlights include 2:33 at Road America, 1:54 at Texas World Speedway, and 1:59 at Eagles Canyon. 46,000 Corey H - Tyler, TX SOLD. 1993 RS America Grand-Prix White, 72,000 miles on chassis, but less than 10K miles on complete engine rebuild. Always garaged. No smoke. Never raced. Street and autocross use only. This car is an exceptional dual purpose competitionstreet car: completely street legal, CA smog compliant and a full interior in immaculate condition. To the untrained eye, this 8220sleeper8221 appears to be stock. Factory options include: None - a rare, no option car (no AC, no sunroof, no radio, no LSD). Radio and LSD have been subsequently added. Upgradesmodifications include: Less than 10K miles on 15K complete rebuild (necessitated by a factory defect on an piston oil squirter) which included replacement of all wear items (gaskets, seals, rings, bearings, belts, etc.) and upgrades including: reworked heads with titanium springs and retainers (Aasco), RS cams, polished, balanced and blue printed crankshaft, RS lightweight flywheel and clutch, remapped DME to Euro Cup spec (FVD), powder coated (red) fan and headcover, polished, custom red plug wires, and RS (semi-solid) motor mounts. Additional prior upgrades include: BampB stainless steel headers with heat, BampB exhaust system with 200 cell removable cat, mass-airflow kit on opened factory box. Engine makes over 280HP at the wheels (330HP at the crank). Transmission: Swapped 993 6-speed box with newly rebuilt asymmetrical 4-disc RSR limited slip differential. Suspension: Bilstein PSS9 9-way adjustable coilovers (installed and tuned by Bilstein), aligned and corner balanced to Euro Cup car specs, RS adjustable rear sway bar (stock also included), and rolled fenders. Brakes: 993 twin turbo 8220Big Red8221 brakes with cross-drilled rotors. Additional: Brey-Krause harness truss. Car Weighs less than 2,700 with 12 tank of fuel. POC amp PCA member owned. 20k in upgrades, plus a 15k complete engine rebuild. 45,000 David M - San Diego, CA SOLD. 1994 RS America Grand Prix White. Mileage: 300,205 ( this is not a typo). Overall Condition: Excellent looks like 30,000 mile car. Factory options. all 4 ( but radio has been replaced). Upgrades: Speed line wheels. This car is like new. I am the second owner and have owned the car for 3 years and 20,000 miles. The car is almost perfect. It drives and runs perfectly, the motor was gone through at 240,000 by Champion motors in FL and the clutch was replaced at 290,000. There has been no paint work done on the car and very few rock chips. The interior is almost perfect. The car has never seen a track day and never been abused or in an accident ( it is currently my wifes daily driver ). This is not a forced sale. DO NOT BE SCARED BY THE MILEAGE - you will never find an RS America with this mileage in this good shape. Every one that has seen it thinks it is a 30,000 mile car. No smoke - No leaks - No issues. 27,500 obo. David N - Atlanta, GA SOLD. 1993 RS America Guards Red. 35K miles. Fully set up and maintained for PCA stock G Class by Daniel Jacobs, LLC. The only factory option is LSD - NO sunroof, ac, or radio. Euro front and rear bumpers PCA logbook purchased from Daniel Jacobs, LLC in 2008. Upgrades include: Custom OMP welded cage (powder coated red) Sparco race seats (driver and passenger) Schroth 6-point harnesses BK seat back brace Secondary oil cooler mounted in front bumper Spa 4L AFF Fire System RS front sway bar RS rear sway bar Full ERP monoball suspension ( Front A-arm kit, Rear trailing arm kit, spring plates) Vosstek racing gas pedal Momo wheel with snap-off quick release Cool Shirt system Window net Battery disconnect Fabspeed GT 2 Evo front strut brace Fabspeed RS Carbon Fiber heater duct Custom front and rear tow hooks OEM Cup I rims (178221 x 88221 front 178221 x 98221 rear) with Hoosiers Fabspeed full Cup exhaust (Cat by-pass primary by-pass secondary by-pass) Custom SS exhaust-bumper guard Carpeting removed per 2010 PCA rule change PCA Club Racing Log Book. A strong, clean, legal, reliable car with 9 PCA Club races with 0 DNFs. 37,500 obo. Mike F - Saratoga Springs, NY SOLD. 1993 RS America Grand Prix White. 20K original miles. Light fire damage, restoredrebuilt as track car (a guilt free RS America track car, could be made streetable). All 4 factory options include: LSD, Sunroof, AC, Radio. Factory quality GP white paintCup graphics. RS3.8 tail. Stripped interiorRoll Cage. Fire system, Recaro seats (Hans pro, SRD). 20K factory motorgearbox wLSD. Cup exhaust. Factory Bilstein Cup suspension. 188221 BBS wheels. NT01s. Original partswheels included. Also available JRZsCamberplates. Only DETrack Days since complete. 36,000 obo. Jim R - Phoenix, AZ SOLD. 1993 RS America Guards Red. Perfect condition. 79,243 miles. Factory options include: AC only - no sunroof (additional headroom). Upgrades include: Bilstein PSS9 suspension. antisway bars. B-K strut bar. Genuine Porsche 188221 wheels. Street Michelin Pilots on the car. Spare set of Sport Cups available. 37,000 . Joe P - Valley Forge, PA SOLD. 1993 RS America completely stock. Black. Original owner since October 1992. 38,000 miles. Garage kept. Never raced. Excellent condition. Full service at 35,000 miles including valve adjustment. All original except ventilation for distributor. All four factory options. One year old battery. Tires recently replaced. 45,000 . Joaquin B - Newburgh, NY SOLD. 1993 RS America - track car. Grand Prix White. 90,000 miles. An incredible track car. Perfect condition. Factory options include: No Sunroof, No Radio, No AC. Does have LSD. Upgrades include: shortened gears, Monoballs with JIC Magic Suspension, Turbo Front brakes, Safety Devices Cage, Fresh Harnesses, Momo Steering wheel, Traqmate GPS, Sparco 8220bird cage8221 driverquots seat, Evo passenger seat, 3.8 rear wing, Protomotive chip, Fabspeed exhaust and headers, rugs, airbags, and lower dash removed, complete body repaint including interior in 2009. Original Cup rims powder coated black with Toyo TS1quots, as well as Fikse FM5s with Toyo RA 1quots. Rennline pedals and Trackmats, Lightweight Odyssey Battery, Lexan rear quarters and rear window. Very light, very fast. Needs nothing. Freshly serviced with all fluids replaced including brake fluid, engine and transmission oil, valves adjusted, tuned. Leak down results all 2-5. Serviced by EPE. Recent unexpected change in financial situation forces sale - I never planned on selling this great car. Additional pictures available on request. 38,500 Paul F - Wolfeboro Falls, NH SOLD. 1993 RS America only 27K miles - completely stock. Black. 27,400 miles. Excellent condition. Always garaged. Drilled rotors, otherwise absolutely stock. Factory upgrade air conditioning. Low mileage and one of the few RSAs that has not been tricked out or modified in any way. 43,500 . Alan S - Cincinnati, Ohio SOLD. 1993 RS America . Grand Prix White with yellow trim. 67,700 miles. Top end rebuilt at 39,000 by Black Forest in San Diego. Good condition, used exclusively for Autocross. Set up for PCA class KI with many modifications. Factory options include AC, and radio (uninstalled but available). All the repair recordsreceipts and original parts (except for the factory seats) are available. Included are two sets of wheels - Kinesis K20s, 178221 dia, 8.58221 wide front. 108221 wide rear - plus 178221 dia chromed street wheels. All maintenance records and complete list of installed modifications are also available. Car is lowered, Cup Car sway bars, Koni adjustable shock absorbers, heavy duty springs, front amp rear strut brace, with Turbo front brakes. Momo Steering wheel, shift knob and pedal covers. New 5 pt. harness, Cobra Imola2 racing seat, yellow powder coated roll bar, GT ring and pinion, Carrera RS lightweight flywheel, and competition clutch. Distributor vent modification has been installed, KampN intake, headers, (entire exhaust system available). Aluminum hood, racing chip with 7200 rpm redline. This is a very strong (305hp at the flywheel), consistently high performing, and one of the sweetest sounding RSAs available. A 8220top ten8221 car any day of the week - as can be seen by checking the PCASDR. org website for autocross results. 40,000 Tom C - San Diego, CA SOLD. 1993 RS America track car. Grand Prix White without factory AC or sunroof. 33,401 miles. Race ready, but never raced. Upgrades include: New Cox Motorsports 3.8L engine with 0 hrs amp gt400 hp. Full rollcage painted red. Big Red Turbo brakes. 17 gal FuelSafe fuel cell. 2 Sparco Pro2000 seats with 6 point Schroth harnesses. 188221 CCW wheels with Hoosier R-6 tires amp 1 set of 178221 in 964 Cup wheels. Dual oil coolers. Bilstein coil over suspension. Carbon fiber RSA wing. FAST cool system amp auxiliary helmet blower. Shift lights. Limited slip. 5 speed 964 RSR gearbox. Straight pipes with original RSA exhaust available. Momo quick release steering wheel. Pedal covers. Fire system. Very good condition. 48,000 . Randy C - Omaha, NE SOLD. 1993 RS America Midnight Blue Metallic. 67,053 miles. Currently prepared for DETime trialracing but comes complete wit all OEM parts (except seats) to return the car to stock if required. ModificationsUpgrades include: Roll bar Cobra seats two new 6-point harness TRG bars strut mount fire system electric-cut off kool suit system upgraded chip. Car comes with 2 sets of wheels-BBS and OEM, new Kumhos. There is a small crack front bumper. The car is very well set up and good to go. 39,800 . David Q - San Diego, CA SOLD. 1993 RS America Polar Silver Metallic. 93,805 miles. Excellent condition. Dry weather use only. Recent 3M Invisiguard trunk and fender bra, plus headlight and mirror protection applied. Flawless original interior, black seat belts and door pulls, plus original RS America floor mats. Supplied with all four available factory options: Electric Sunroof, Air Conditioning, Limited slip differential 40 locking and CR-1 AMFM cassette radio (now upgraded). Plus factory rolled fenders. Stock except for the following ModificationsUpgrades: Koni Cup shocks on rear, Duraluminum lug nuts, distributor ventilation kit, drilled free-flow airbox, newer Blaupunkt head unit and trunk-mounted Blaupunkt 10-CD player, plus MB Quartz speakers (original CR-1 cassette radio included). The stock 247 HP motor was enhanced with an Autothority chip which delivers another 13 HP or so. Pirelli P-Zeros on the rear, Michelin Pilots on the front all in excellent shape. Comes with full original toolkit, compressor and unused space saver spare. Regularly serviced at Dougherty Automotive, West Chester with all service records from new including original window sticker (original sticker price of over 62,000), original bill of sale, all manuals, RSA sales brochures, etc. New clutch 10K miles ago. Recent alternator rebuild and 1400 major service. Stored and covered in heated garage. Regularly started to keep all gaskets and seals lubricated. Two cars and not enough time. No test pilots please. 42,500 Dan N - Philadelphia, PA SOLD. 1993 RS America - Original condition - 25K miles 25K original miles. Black with red belts and door pulls. I am the second owner since 1999 and the car is in absolutely mint condition, always garaged and never driven in snow and almost never in rain. The car has never been on a race track or autocrossed. The car has never been in an accident so paint is 100 original. Three Factory Options: Air conditioning, limited slip, and radio. Only upgrades are 964 Cup primary muffler bypass and air box with KampN filter (original muffler and air cleaner included). Have maintenance records, original brochure and window sticker. 45,000 Jerry Z - Fountain Hills, AZ SOLD. 1993 RS America 15K original miles Only 15,400 original miles ( not a misprint ). Guards Red with factory options: Air Conditioning, Sunroof and Limited Slip Differential. Even though this RSA was 8220radio delete8221 from the factory, it is still wired for a radio and was delivered with door speakers. Period correct Genuine Porsche CR-1 cassette radio available for installation. Only modifications from stock are 8220clear bra8221 Optima SC-35 Red Top Battery (added during 30,000 mile major service - due to time, not miles), and HampR lowering springs (original springs included in sale) proper corner balance and alignment performed with spring upgrade. No accidents, dings, scratches, swirl marks or smoke. Easily the finest RSA available. Will assist with International shipping. Serious Inquiries Only. 79,500 . Rader R - San Diego, CA SOLD. 1993 RS America Black with Red seatbelts. 38K miles. All four factory options including: Limited Slip Differential, Sunroof, AC amp CR-1 Radio. Exceptional condition, this RSA is extremely clean and hard to photograph in direct sunlight as it has NO swirl marks. Accident free with a clean title. 3rd owner. Complete documented servicemaintenance history. 45K service with valve adjustment just completed. Distributor ventilation kit installed and secondary distributor drive belt replaced. Serviced amp inspected by local Porsche dealer with all records on file. Car comes complete with all original parts, tools, radio, etc, including the rear storage bins, original front amp rear rims, factory seats etc. Upgrades include: Turbo brake caliper and disks, HampR Springs, Halon Fire Extinguisher, Blaupunkt CD Receiver with upgraded speakers (original Radio included), OEM 98221 x 17 Turbo Cup 1 Mille Miglia (factory correct) rear wheels, and OEM 88221 x 17 on the front with almost new Kumho SPTs, KampN filter. 52,000 . Joerg I - San Diego, CA SOLD. 1993 RS America Guards Red. 46,000 original documented miles. Excellent condition, meticulously maintained. Factory options include: sunroof and AC. Upgrades: CD player with upgraded ADS speakers. Recently had over 20,000 of performance upgrades including HampR Sport Springs, lowered approx. 18221, Bilstein adjustable shock absorbers, Fiske Rims, and BampB Exhaust system. Car recently had major tune up and front and rear main seals replaced. 47,500 . Kevin K - Palm City, FL SOLD. 1993 RS America Grand-Prix White. 123,000 miles, mostly highway. This is car drives exceptionally well and is in excellent condition. Owned by a non-smoker, it is always garaged. This RSA has attended the last 9 PCA Porsche Parades and is maintained by RUF Autocentre of Dallas and Ed Mayo Performance. Maintenance records are available for inspection. All four factory options: air-conditioning, limited slip, sunroof and a radio. Upgrades include: performance chip, sport clutch amp pressure plate, RS light weight flywheel with idle sensor mod by Andial so the car idles with air conditioner working. Aux. oil cooler with switch. Mono ball 935 rear spring plates, Koni adjustable sport shocks and strut tower brace. Brakes upgraded with 993 calipers and cross drilled rotors. Adjustable sway bar, cup muffler bypass. Lowered to Euro RS ride height amp corner balanced. Front protection bar. Factory wheels 88221x17 front amp 98221x17 rear. Advan Yokohama tires, splash guards, Alpine MP3 amp ipod compatible radio. Tinted windows, and head light upgrade. This car is a wonderful every day driver and great fun to Autocross. Current owner has been a member of PCA for 40 years. 38,500 including original two front 78221x17 wheels, all OEM parts and spares, plus car cover. Fred S - Midland, TX SOLD. 1993 RS America (dealer) Grand-Prix White. 42,371 original miles. This car is built and correctly set up for track use, but is still completely street legal. Factory options include: Air conditioning, limited slip differential, radio - plus sunroof delete. Upgradesmodifications include: Momo racing steering wheel, BampB exhaust system, Andial chip, adjustable Brey-Krause seat back brace, interior roll cage with fire extinguisher and race compliant foam, short-shifter Kit, Sparco Evo II black fiberglass drivers seat, Schroth Hybrid II 6pt drivers seatbelt, Aluminum heelamptoe pedals, Eibach Sprints with Bilstein shock absorbers, KampN air filter, RSR suspension upgrade, Porsche 8220Big Black8221 brake upgrade with drilled rotors, video camera mount, MJ Shaw front splitter, RS Cup lightweight flywheel, adjustable camber plates, silver gauge trim rings, secondary muffler bypass. Original RS America drivers seat included with car. 42,500 . DFW Audi - Euless, TX SOLD. 1993 RS America 29,900 original miles Guards Red. Only 29,900 original miles. This is a CA car for sale by the original owner. All 4 factory options: air conditioning, limited slip differential, radio and sunroof. Car is completely original - stock with no modifications or upgrades. Car was in an accident six weeks after purchase in 1993. Front end damage only and was repaired to perfection. No leaks or other issues, new battery and tires. 30K service completed. All paperwork, receipts and original window sticker included. 32,000 Robert C - Encinitas CA WITHDRAWN. 1993 RS America - Owner saw the light. and its a keeper Early production. Guards red. 52,XXX miles. Excellent mechanical and cosmetic condition. include: radio, AC and red seatbelts and door pulls. Rolled fender lips. ModificationsUpgrades include: aftermarket stereo and speakers, KampN air filter, Dansk muffler. Maintained by Autobahn Imports in Fairfax, VA. Sale due to unscheduled overseas posting. 41,000 . William M - Fairfax, VA WITHDRAWN. 1993 RS America - Owner saw the light. and its a keeper A rare opportunity to own a true ONE OF A KIND factory Porsche. Only one RS America was built in Turquoise metallic and this is it Excellent condition with only 55,300 original miles. Factory options include: Sunroof, ac, Limited Slip Differential. ModificationsUpgrades include: Kenwood stereo, Kenwood 10 disk CD changer and Kenwood amplifier. 5,000 miles on tires. New 5 point driver harness with new harness bar. Lightweight flywheel, Carrera Cup clutch and performance chip. Very fast. 36,000 Andrew B - Charleston, SC SOLD. 1994 RS America Black. No accidents. Extremely clean, only 49,811 miles and all four factory options: Sunroof, Limited Slip Differential, ac and Porsche CR-1 stereo. A few minor chips on front, typical of a car thats driven. New windshield. New big red brakes. Cup bypass exhaust. HampR coil overs. Uprated cams. Turbo-S fog lights with brake cooling ducts. Original interior. Car is very fast, sounds great, and has incredible brakes. Drives perfectly. 3M film on front bumper, side view mirrors, amp behind door handles. 1 of only 84 RS Americas built in 1994 - the only year they were fitted with rear seats. POC amp PCA member owned. 1 of 6 911s in my collection. Only selling to pursue Cup Car purchase. 48,000 . Robert G - Los Angeles, CA SOLD. 1993 RS America Black. Good condition. Only 37,383 original miles. Factory options: Limited Slip Differential only. ModificationsUpgrades include: HampR Lowering springs, Lightweight clutch and flywheel. 38,500 . Ted S - Maple Valley, WA SOLD. 1994 RS America 77,000 miles. Midnight Blue Metallic. One owner with all maintenance up to date - records available. This RS does not have rear seats even though it was sold as a 1994 model. Original Cup 1 wheels available. Never driven in winter. Factory options include: limited slip differential and air conditioning. Upgrades include Big Black Brake Kit, Pagid pads, Fabspeed muffler, Porsche 17mm rear wheel spacers. US29,000 . Michael M - Calgary, Alberta Canada SOLD. 1993 RS America - one of only four ever made in color-to-sample FLY Yellow One of only four factory Ferrari FLY Yellow built. Mint Condition 41,750 miles. Factory options include: Air Conditioning Sunroof and Limited Slip Differential. Complete documentationservice history including original window sticker. The suspension is stock MO3O RSA but ModificationsUpgrades include being lowered with RUF spring perches and corner balanced. It also has a RUF strut brace. The brakes have been upgraded to turbo big reds. The car has always been garaged and has never had any paint work. The engine is completely leak free. 59,900 obo. Kevin Y - Albuquerque, NM SOLD. 1993 RS America Black with 74K miles. Always a California car. Excellent exterior condition and superior mechanical condition. Factory options include: sunroof, air conditioning, and radio. Radio is an Alpine single CD player. Speakers are MB Quartz. ModificationsUpgrades include: Suspension set-up by ERP with Eibach adjustable coilover springs. 18x88221 (F) and 18x108221 (R) Fikse FM10 wheels in technipolish finish with new Bridgestone RE01R tires. 993 exhaust manifolds with heat (with catalytic converters), dual tip exhaust with fiberglass molded second tip cut-out. H4 headlights with HID conversions. 993 twin turbo 8220Big Reds8221 front brake kit. Halon fire extinguisher. Autothority MAS and chip. 17,000 engine rebuild at approximately 73,000 miles by IPB Autosport. Rebuilt with new rings and bearings, ARP headstuds and rod bolts, Nology wires, Terry Hunt heads with new valves, valve springs, retainers, mild Webb cams, and RS lightweight flywheel. Fan and headcovers painted in 997 GT3 RS orange. Autothority chip has been modified and optimized by Steve Wong of 911 Chips who added his RS Flywheel anti-stall software, this car has NO idle problems with the light flywheel. On Swepco since rebuild. Included with sale: Never installed carbon fiber heater bypass tube and original rear RSA storage bins. This has been a 8220no-expense-spared8221 car. Additional photos available upon request. 55,000 . Stanton L - Sacramento, CA SOLD. 1993 RS America Grand Prix White. Very nice cosmetic and mechanical condition. 74K miles. Enthusiast owned, in excellent condition cosmetically and mechanically. Factory options include: Limited Slip Differential and air-conditioning - no sunroof. Upgrades include Euro RS clutchflywheel and lowering springs. Maintained by Stoddard Imported cars and Steinels in Cleveland, OH. Virtually complete service history. Includes original springs, window sticker, factory original RS decals and emblems, compressor and toolkit. New tires, battery, rotors, freshly serviced and ready for the driving season. 34,500 . Dave J - Cleveland, OH SOLD. 1993 RS America Track car. Guards Red. PCA Club Racer class G Stock w PCA logbook. Excellent condition and meticulously maintained. Needs absolutely nothing and is 100 turnkey ready to race. Setup and engineered by 3G Motorsports. Fresh motor amp transmission professionally built by Autometrics Motorsports. Fully documented 20.3 hours since rebuild (2 races and 2 DEs). Weighs approximately 2710 without driver and cool suit system (G stock is 2910 with driver). 3.8 RSR rear wing. New rotors and PFC 97 pads all around (1 event on them) and full custom brake duct cooling and SRF brake fluid. Full Motorola race radio system with push to talk mounted on wheel. BampB Headers wnew dual outlet muffler. 2-way adjustable remote canister Penske Racing shocks front amp rear with complete 2K rebuild March 2009. Brand new axles. ERP spring plates and spherical bearings front amp rear. RUF shock tower brace. GT2 custom blade adjustable anti-roll bars. Full roll cage. Halon fire system. Cool Suit system (large 24 quart). Recaro Pro Racer SPG Halo seat (driver) and Recaro SPG seat (passenger) w 6-pt Schroth harnesses. Momo Mod07 quick release steering wheel. 100 liter fuel cell with recent foam replacement, new fuel lines and filter. Hard wired AMB transponder. 3 sets of wheels - 2 sets 3-piece BBS wheels plus 1 set anodized Fikse FM10. AIM Pista GPS based data System with multiple custom sensors for temp, pressure, gear selection, etc. Chasecam video setup with remote start. New custom graphics designed by Charlie Boyer (only needs a new number). Too many other upgrades to list. You will not find a more well maintained and competitive G stock racecar. Podium Finishes in 2007, 2008 amp 2009. 55,000 including all spares and tires. Dell T - Raleigh, NC SOLD. 1993 RS America Guards Red with red belts amp door pulls. 69,750 miles. One of the cleanest and well maintained RSAs you will find Lovingly used as DE and Sunny day toy. Factory options include: Limited Slip differential, Air Conditioning amp Sunroof. ModificationsUpgrades include: Alpine CD radio with Boston Acoustics door speakers amp Infinity speakers mounted on rear shelf with Kicker 300 watt amp mounted in passenger side storage box. RUF 17x88221 amp 17x98221 wheels (new tires 68.5k) with 18 spacers amp longer studs. Full Bilstein Cup suspension, corner balanced, amp lowered 65k. Carrera Cup clutch with new slave cylinder amp lighter flywheel. AUTOTHORITY DME chip 42k. BampB Stainless headers-heaters boxes-cat bypass exhaust with KampN cone intake. Safety Devices roll bar (with brackets for front cage). Red Schroth Profi III 5-point harnesses with factory belts still installed. Red Corbeau seats. 2.5 lb Halon fire extinguisher with quick release roll bar mount. Hot Lap timing system. Zimmerman drilled front rotors. Braided amp coated stainless steel brake lines. Removable front amp rear tow hooks. Brey Kraus front strut tower brace. Factory 993 front door handles painted Guards Red. Custom aluminum pedals with engraved PORSCHE logo. Polished stainless steel gauge bezel rings. Stainless steel RS America door sills. New distributor rotors amp caps, spark plugs, belts, fuel filter, rear wheel bearings, front hood struts, amp valves adjusted 56k. New battery, ignition wires, and distributor vent kit 54k. Also Included: 993 Cup 17x78221 amp 17x98221 wheels (with RS centercaps) amp Michelin Sport Cup tires for track. Original air box, tool kit with air compressor, car cover, manuals, books amp receipts. Over 80,000 invested. 35,900 . Tim M - Monroeville PA SOLD. 1993 RS America - One owner car with only 4,500 original miles. Early production. Guards Red. One owner car with 4,500 original miles. Totally original, excellent mechanical and mint cosmetic condition. No accidents. Factory options include: radio, air conditioning and sunroof. Original manuals and all purchase and service records included. Factory original RS and America rear deck lid emblems plus RS side decals were never fitted and are included for installation. Serviced and driven regularly. This is as close to a new RS America as you will find. Additional photos available on request. 79,500 obo. Gary I - San Clemente, CA SOLD. 1993 RS America Guards Red. The car runs great, sounds nice and is a really clean daily driver with 112,000 miles. For sale by second owner who has had the car for almost 3 years. Maintained at Speedwerks in Thomasville NC, it has recently been corner balanced and had a full service including valve adjustment. Factory options include: Air conditioning and Sunroof delete. ModificationsUpgrades include: Recent Bilstein shock absorbers and HampR springs, plus new cross drilled rotors and new brake pads. RS lightened Flywheel and clutch and performance chip. Fabspeed dual Exhaust system with no cat and an cone air filter. DAS roll bar installed (can be removed if required). Recently replaced front lights and fog lights, and a new windshield to bring it back to its former glory. Included are two sets of wheels - the original wheels it came with plus 188221 BBS RSGTs. These are new and really set this car off visually (see image below). 32,000 . Jim W - Salisbury, NC SOLD. 1993 RS America Guards red. 93K original miles. No accidents, dents or dings. Overall condition very good with few minor paint chips. Factory options include: Stereo amp AC. No sunroof. Car has been used as a daily driver with 3 DE events in 11 years. Upgrades include: Chip, secondary muffler by-pass. KampN air filter. Bilstein HD shock absorbers on HampR green springs. Front Strut Brace. Lightweight Flywheel. New sport clutch and rear seal fitted at 85K miles. All original parts included. Forgeline custom aluminum wheels available at additional cost. 38,500 . Mike S - Houston, TX SOLD. 1993 RS America Grand-Prix White. 71,200 miles. Always garaged, no smoke, never raced, street and Drivers Ed only. No accidents, no dings. All maintenance and modifications records for last 13 years available. Dynod at 253rwhp. Factory options include: Air conditioning and sunroof. Upgradesmodifications include: Quaife LSD. Bilstein PSS9 coil overs. FampR adjustable Cup Car sway bars (original RSA bars included too). Corner balanced and aligned. Mass-airflow kit. KampN cone filter. Autothority chip. BampB headers and exhaust with heat. New (708) Single-mass Carrera Cup clutch with lightened fly wheel. New (708) clutch master and slave cylinders. AC charged 708. New battery and tender 1108. Schroth 6pt harness 908. Stock belts in place. Brey-Krause harness truss. Autopower roll bar. Rolled fenders. New slotted front brake rotors. OMP aluminum pedals. Stock RSA seats. Two full sets of wheels one with Hoosier R6 track tires with about 80 tread left, the other with brand new Michelin Pilot Sport AS street tires. New street brake pads and track brake pads. 35,000 includes second set of wheelstires, All OEM parts and spares, plus new Colgan carbon fiber bra, still in box. Bob W - Mendham, NJ SOLD. 1994 RS America Black. Excellent condition with no modifications. All original, including original paint - never been in an accident. 59,000 miles. Factory options include: Sunroof, air-conditioning and Cassette radio - no Limited Slip Differential. Regularly maintained by Black Forest in San Diego. Complete history on the car since new. Car is perfect in every way 42,000 . Paul D - San Diego, CA SOLD. 1993 RS America Grand-Prix White with 48,586 miles. A great combo for trackDE - used as DE car for the last 3 seasons, but also still registered on the street. I have original window sticker and lots of documentation. Factory options include: Limited-Slip differential, NO factory AC nor sunroof. Upgrades include: Custom Bilstein shock absorbers. Hyperco coils. Adjustable sway bars. KMR camber plates. Strut brace. VCI floating front rotors with Big Red brakes. 178221 Fikse FM-10 wheels. Cyntex chip. Second oil cooler with AN-12 lines. BampB stainless headers and dual outlet exhaust (with heat exchangers, so car still has heat). AutoPower 4-point bolt-in roll bar. Corbeau FX1 slotted seats. Schroth 5-point harnesses (dated through 2012) with side mount brackets and seat back braces (or I have stock RSA seats). X-Wings adjustable throttle. Rennline dead pedal and aluminum floorboard. RUF front chin spoiler. Odyssey PC925 gel racing battery. Rennline battery mount. Second set of Fikse FM-10s andor original RSA seats are negotiable additions. 32,000 . Paul T - Hudson, NH SOLD. 1993 RS America Guards Red. 2nd owner. Only 17,000 original miles. Absolutely mint condition. Completely stock amp unmodified. All four factory options: Sunroof, Limited Slip Differential, Porsche CR-1 cassette radio and air conditioning. All service records available (including original Dealer window sticker). 52,000 . Don D - St Louis. MO SOLD. 1993 RS America Excellent black paint. Extremely clean interior, trunk, and engine compartment. No damage history. Possibly the finest RS America Drivers Ed car, period 35,xxx original miles. Factory options: Limited Slip Differential, Sunroof Delete, AC Delete. Factory Rolled Fenders. The car came with CR-1 radio that has been removed with factory blanking plate. Upgrades include: Safety - Custom welded full roll cage Recaro SPG seats for both driver and passenger Schroth 5 point harnesses for driver and passenger Fuel Safe Fuel Cell Fire Suppression System with Nozzles in front, cabin, and engine compartment Electrical Cut Off w Remote Access. RUF custom valved Bilstein shocks FampR RUF sway bars FampR RUF front strut tower brace Faulkner springs wcustom perches ERP monoballs FampR ERP 935 rear spring plates. Fikse FM-10 wheels, Front 88221 x 17, Rear 98221 x 17, Michelin PS2 tires - Oct. 2007- 1,380 miles, 75 remaining Steel lug nuts. Brakes - 1994 965 Turbo S front calipers wCustom Slotted front rotors with lightweight hats Euro RS rear calipers w drilled rotors Pagid Yellow pads FampR TechArt brake cooling ducts w Fog lights. Castrol SRF brake fluid. Porsche Cup Lightweight Flywheel and Clutch. Drilled Airbox - KampN filter - stock w sale GIAC chip - stock rev limiter, idle adjusted for light weight Flywheel Titanium valve springs and retainers RS motor mounts BampB Primary muffler Secondary muffler bypass Fabspeed Cat bypass - Stock catalytic converter included w sale. Distributor Ventilation Kit. Car Weighs 2740 lbs. with 12 tank of fuel, Odyssey 680 lightweight Battery Ruf Chin Spoiler Porsche Motorsports additional front RSR oil cooler Rennline Pedals adjustable throttle dead pedal Rennline Track Mat Rennline Battery Mount Sparco Steering Wheel Custom Offset Tachometer w white needle Tow hooks front and rear Wink 5 panel mirror - stock rearview still in place H4 Headlights. Clear turn signal covers, stealth bulbs, original orange included w sale Clear bra paint protector Intercomp Lap Timer Griots Garage car cover Detailed records since October 1996. Original Owners Manual, RSA Supplement. and Sales brochure. Mobil 15-50 oil changed approximately every 1000 miles - last change November 2008 with 36,062 miles, Castrol SRF brake fluid change completed Nov 08 with 36,062 miles, Havoline 80W transmission and final drive fluid June 2008 at 34,910 miles. This is a perfect DE car with no racing events ever. 53,500 . Tucker D - Summerdale, AL WITHDRAWN. 1993 RS America - Owner saw the light. and its a keeper Grand-Prix White. Enthusiast owned RSA in excellent cosmetic and mechanical condition. 73,400 miles. Factory options include: Limited slip differential and air-conditioning. No sunroof. Nicely modified with lowering springs and Euro RS flywheel and clutch. Maintained by Stoddard Imported cars and Steinels Autowerks. Virtually complete service history. Includes original springs, window sticker, RS decals, compressor and toolkit. 35,500 . Dave J - Cleveland, OH SOLD. 1993 RS America Midnight Blue Metallic with blue seatbelts and door-pulls. 27K original miles - street use only. 100 factory original paint. All four factory options: electric sunroof, ac, radio and limited slip differential. Corner balanced and lowered with adjustable shocks that can easily be returned to stock ride height. Upgrades include: KampN cone filter (original air box included), Muffler bypass (original muffler included) plus front strut-tower brace. I am the third owner and the car is kept in a heated garage and only goes out on dry days. Since the purchase inspection I had done showed a perfect car, and Ive only put on about 2K miles in 4 years of ownership, all I have had to do is change the oil a few times since I have owned it. No leaks and no problems. 40,000 . Scott O - Boulder, CO WITHDRAWN. 1993 RS America - Owner saw the light. and its a keeper Blackorange with 79K miles. 17th RSA ever made. Two factory options fitted: AC and Stereo (both removed and stored). NO SUNROOF. Crinkled paint finish under hood (early car), rolled fenders. Great mechanical condition, many upgrades including: TPC supercharger, 964 Cup clutch with lightweight Flywheel, Porsche Limited Slip Differential, 993TT big brakes, HampR springsM030 shocks, Recaro Pole Position race seats, 6-point harnesses, DAS-Sport roll bar plus many others. The car weighs 2,770 lbs dry. Recent major services performed. The car needs nothing and is in turn-key condition. Cosmetic condition is not great and is reflected in the asking price. 36,000 . Ilko N - Hunter, NY SOLD. 1993 RS America Guards Red. 82k miles. This car is in perfect working condition - youll spend a long time searching for an RSA in anything like this good condition. When you look at the dash and the rubber seals, they are perfect All original, matching numbers, and no accidents. Factory options: no sunroof with air conditioning (thank god) and Porsche CR-1 stereo (which comes with the car). Only worked on by top mechanics including major O-Ring and Gasket replacements, corner balanced, AC recharge and ACC evaporator replaced, new battery, etc. I have lots of records and lots of extras to share with a serious buyer. The only upgrades I have done are bypass pipe for the 2nd muffler (dont really need two mufflers), sports cat, and chip. Of course, I have all the original parts. 39,995 . Loren P - Los Angeles, CA SOLD. 1993 RS America Grand-Prix White - 87,926 miles but in VERY good condition. Motivated seller, so this car is ready for you Previous owner used as daily driver in Florida. It has been my DE car for 4 years and raced its first race at Road America this past Sept in PCA C class (Sprint only). The car is also GTS3 prepared for NASA but never raced in that class. 11.43 power to weight ratio at 2910lbs with driver. Stock engine (Dynoed 243 at the wheels). New clutch. New gearbox. Fabspeed exhaust. No heat. No AC. No sunroof No radio. No limited slip. Monoballs with 1 year old JIC Magic suspension. Traqmate GPS Data Acquisition System. Original cup rims with Michelin PS3 street tires and 188221 Fikse rims with dotR Yokohama tires. Safety devices cage. Momo steering wheel. Driver side is Sparco 8220bird-cage8221 seat and passenger is EVO. Big Black brakes with SRF fluid. 3.8 rear wing and front splitter. Custom front brake cooling ducts. Will also sell 18 enclosed American Hauler Falcon trailer as package deal. 37,555 . Fevin R, Chicago IL SOLD. 1993 RS America Midnight Blue Metallic. 40,790 miles. The car is always garaged and is in excellent shape - it has never seen salt and rarely seen rain. Reluctantly selling it to purchase a fully prepped race car. All work on this RSA has been done by Perfect Power. No accidents, no rust, all original paint. Used for Drivers Ed, but never raced. Originally not fitted with a radio, but I added an Alpine with MB Quartz speakers. Factory options: Limited slip, Air conditioning, NO Sunroof. Upgrades include RUF rear muffler bypass, RUF front chin spoiler, RUF lowering collars and shortened front shocks, RUF rear springs, custom brake cooling ducts, Allan Johnson 3-way adjustable 19mm rear sway bar, kill switch, Autopower roll bar, Fikse FM10 wheels, Schroth Racing harnesses for driver and passenger seats. Also included are many original parts including rear stowage bins and the original wheels with Yokohama AVS ES100s with most of their tread remaining. Please feel free to email me with questions. 46,000 obo. Rob L - Northbrook, IL SOLD. 1993 RS America Black. 64,5K miles. I want to be as honest as possible and represent the car as it actually is - it has a salvage title as it was stolen and then recovered after the insurance had paid a total loss claim. The car would make an ideal track car for DEs or competition. Other issues include: There are cracks on both the front and rear bumper covers, cracks on the lenses next to the fog lights, a few chips along the drivers door, trunk, rear wheel well, and the rear decklid. There are paint bubbles on the drivers side drip rail, and cracked paint on the drivers side A-pillar with rust bubbles along the base of the windshield. The original seats were replaced with leather 911 Turbo seats. When the brake pads were replaced 5000 miles ago, the wear indicator sensors were not replaced so the pad wear warning light is on all the time. The motor doesnt leak, but oil seeps from the front oil cooler line. It is a blast to drive, and has been bullet-proof reliable for me. Factory options: AC and sunroof. Upgrades include: Cup wheels 17x88221F and 17x9.58221R, JIC Magic full coilovers. The Racers Group F amp R adjustable sway bars, Weltmeister front strut bar. Fresh Redline 75W-90NS in the tyransmission, Amsoil only since Ive owned it. Cup chip (dynod at 233.24hp to the wheels and 207.45lbft of torque), cat bypass, primary muffler bypass. Alpine CD player with MB Quartz speakers, and less than 1,500 miles on Kumho Ecsta SPT rear tires. German Imports Corp. said the car was sound in both body and mechanicals, with only minor cosmetic flaws and nothing that would effect driveability. 28,500 . Nathan S - Tampa, FL SOLD. 1993 RS America street cartrack day weapon. Black. Factory options included AC (removed), LSD and no sunroof. This was the 225th of the initial run of 297 RS Americas. This car was developed as a serious autocross contender by the previous owner in San Diego and was a class champion for multiple seasons. It has also proven to be a competitive club racer in the handful of local road racing events entered while completing my Novice program requirements. In its current configuration, this RSA is a perfect dual purpose competitionstreet car. It is completely street legal with current tabs and a full interior in immaculate condition. All modifications completed using the best equipment and with obsessive attention to detail. Upgrades include widened wheel wells with steel quarter panels, professionally flared to Turbo Wide Body specs. Too many modifications to list here - but just a few include: Carrillo Rods, Custom race cams producing 305 bhp280 Ft lbs at the rear wheels (345hp at the crank), Titanium valve retainers and springs, KampN Filter Heater Boxes Removed, Fabspeed Chip, Battery Cutoff Switch, Oversize throttle body wcustom Autothority Mass Air Flow (stock throttle body also included), Short Shift Kit, Trans Steel Synchros, Quaife LSD, Short Ring amp Pinion (8:32), Light-weight Single Mass Flywheel, RS Clutch, George Narbels European Racing Headers with custom Bullit muffler (Stock System wCats also included), 2 sets of HRE 547 wheels (wheels alone cost 9,000. 18x98221 fronts, 18x118221 rears), Hoosier R6 Radial DOT slicks.(2 sets) 31530R18 rears, 24535R18 front ( 2 new, never mounted 24540-18146s), Eibach Carrera Cup SVA Springs, Bilstein Cup Shocks, Heavy Duty Sway bars, Mono-ball Billet Shock Tower Tops, Titanium Front Strut Brace, Front and Rear 965 Turbo brake conversion (8220Big Blacks8221), New cross drilled OEM 965 Turbo front rotors, Cobra Imola Kevlar Seats, Schroth 5 pt. harnesses, Momo Race wheel in leather (350 mm), Quick release steering wheel (Snap-On), Autopower Roll Cage wseparately removable front section. IO Port Racing Seat Back Brace, plus more. Obviously, this is a lot of car for the money. A 20146 enclosed trailer is also available as part of a complete turn-key package. Many pictures available, please enquire. Motivated seller - replacement full race car is identified and waiting in the wings. 55,000 . Dave H - Edmonds, WA SOLD. 1993 RS America Grand-Prix White. Excellent condition. 67,600 miles with records. Non-sunroof. One factory option: air-conditioning (now removed). G5021 Euro close-ratio 6 speed with limited-slip differential (re-packed by Paul Guard), lightweight flywheel amp GT3 clutch. Bilstein PSS10s amp RS swaybars, Recaro Pole Position seats and long list of RS parts. It weighs approx. 2,750lbs with a half tank and is ideal for fans of the no frills, lightweight 964 RS. California car since new. 42,500 . Roland T - Redlands, CA SOLD. 1993 RS America Grand-Prix White with only 69,250 miles. Always garaged, no smoke, never raced, Drivers Ed only. No accidents, no dings. All maintenance and modifications records for last 12 years available. Factory Options include: Electric Sunroof and AC. Upgrades include: Quaife LSD. New Bilstein PSS9 coil overs. Mass-airflow kit. BampB headers amp exhaust. F amp R adjustable sway bars. Sparco Evo seat and Sabelt 6-pt harness. Corner balanced amp aligned. Brey-Krause harness truss. Single-mass Carrera Cup clutch with lightened fly wheel. Autopower roll bar. Rolled fenders. New front brake rotors. OMP aluminum pedals. Two full sets of wheels one with Michelin Pilot Sport Cup track tires with about 80 tread left, the other with brand new Michelin Pilot Sport AS street tires. KampN cone filter. New street brake pads. Original sport seat and all other OEM parts included. New Colgan carbon fibre bra, still in box also included. 41,500 Bob W - Doylestown, PA SOLD. 1993 RS America with only 1,400 original miles Polar Silver Metallic with red seatbelts. Exceptional condition inside and out. 1,400 miles (that is not a typo). Delivered as the RS America was originally intended - with no factory options. High Performance Limited Slip differential added. Blaupunkt AMFMcassette. Upgrades include: Factory carbon fiber interior package with red seat belts, piping and accents, factory red brake calipers, 3-spoke steering wheel, fresh service with new tires, as new condition, finest available 79,500 Ray J - Houston, TX SOLD. 1993 RS America Perfect original Grand-Prix white paint with red seatbelts and door pulls. 49,800 miles. Factory options include: Sunroof, Air Conditioning and Limited Slip Differential. High-quality after-market radioCD fitted. Never been tracked. New clutch this spring. Original owner, purchased new by me in 1993 from Holberts in Warrington, PA. All original maintenance records, sales sticker go with the car. 43,500 . Jim F - Syracuse NY SOLD. 1993 RS America Guards Red. 30K original miles. No accidents or dings. Overall condition very good with few paint chips. Factory options include: limited slip differential, sunroof and AC. Car has been used as a track car on weekends but is completely street legal. Modified to race in club racing 8220D8221 class by Viking Motorsports Houston TX. Carrera Cup light weight flywheel and clutch. BampB headers with dual tip exhaust. Modified air box. Reprogrammed computer chip. Carrera Cup revalved suspension with mono ball shock tops, inverted rear shocks to lower un-sprung weight, higher rate coil springs, 5 way adjustable rear sway bar. Fiberglass spoiler, large front spoiler with side splitters. Custom front brake cooling ducts. Calipers updated to Carrera Cup brake calipers with pagid orange brake pads and cross drilled rotors. Complete 6 point roll cage with rocker plates welded and bolted. Window net. Kill switch. Two sets of factory wheels in excellent condition one set with Yokohamas and one set with Michelin Sports Cup. Custom floor plates to replace floor mats. Corner balanced and aligned. One racing and one stock seat. Service just completed. New Mahle pistons rings, cylinders and complete valve job. 46,750 Octavio C - Houston, TX SOLD. 1993 RS America Grand-Prix White. Only 31,780 original miles. Great condition. Completely stock amp unmodified. Factory options include: Sunroof, Porsche CR-1 cassette radio and air conditioning. Original RS side decals available. 40,000 . Martin B - Morgan Hill, CA SOLD. 1993 RS America - completely stock 19K miles A Completely Original Unmolested Polar Silver Metallic 93 RS America with only 18,852 original miles. In absolutely pristine condition - purchased from the original owner last year when it still had the original tires fitted. This RSA is per the purest intent of the lightweight car, as a rare zero option car with the exception of Polar Silver Metallic paint. No modifications whatsoever to mechanicals, suspension or exhaust and completely original paint. Complete service documentation since new - all done at Jim Ellis Porsche where it was bought new. Major Service at 14,750 miles included: Valve Adjustment, filter replacement, plug change etc. Included with this car is the original window sticker, all books, all keys and key cards, air pump and original tool kit. No track time, never driven in the rain. No Smoke. Covered and Garaged since new. Quite possibly the finest and most authentic RS America available with no stories or excuses. 58,900 . James C - Springdale, AR SOLD. 1993 RS America - completely stock. Midnight Blue Metallic. Completely stock and unmodified. With only 32,182 miles and all four factory options this is becoming an increasingly rare machine. In wonderful condition with no damage, paintwork, suspension changes, engine changes, or any other modifications, it is as delivered by the factory. Purchased from the second owner who bought it from a collector, this car has never seen the track and has been wonderfully maintained. All books, most records, original compressor, original tools, etc. all included. 30,000 mile service has been done and new tires were recently fitted. The car is fully detailed and ready for the new owner I have a ton of other pictures and am happy to provide any further information you require. 45,950 . Bob M - Hanover, MD SOLD. 1993 RS America Track car Midnight Blue Metallic with armorfend rock chip protection. C Class Race Car weighs only 2700 lbs and has 24,XXX miles. Factory options include: Limited Slip Differential - Sunroof delete. Competitive PCA class C prepared race car, 3rd owner, purchased 1204, lightly used since with only 3-4 DEs per year. Car is in excellent condition with modifications too numerous to list. Many original parts included plus 2 sets 188221 BBS race mags and original C2 178221 rims. Professionally maintained by Mayos and 5th Gear in Dallas. Comes with 20 dual axle open trailer and custom aluminum ramps. 45,500 . Brent K - Tyler, TX SOLD. 1993 RS America Grand-Prix White. VERY GOOD condition. 66,525 miles. The car is very well sorted, has been upgraded with best of everything and has very little track time. All four factory options: Air conditioning, Electric Sunroof, Porsche CR-1 cassette radio and Limited Slip Differential. The engine has been resealed and is tight. Performance upgrades include: BampB Headers and exhaust Brembo big red brakes Sport suspension with new adj. camber plates and springs shocks have been re-valved to RSR specs Racing dynamic strut brace New clutch and new RS engine mounts Auto Power half cage painted white (removable) with Simpson 5 point harnesses and new black leather euro GT3 seats. Extra set of anodized black Kinesis wheels and stock wheels painted satin black (78221, 88221 and 98221 are replicas) with 2 sets of Hankook Z211 8221R8221 compound tires. RS front lip spoiler clear turn signals with reflector (replaces bumperettes). Price includes all original parts (suspension, exhaust, rear shelves, seats, steering wheel and much more). To purchase an RSA and duplicate this car would cost over 70,000. Seller is willing to consider returning the car to stock configuration and reducing price accordingly, or trading for interesting race car project plus cash. 43,900 . Carl D - Quebec, Canada SOLD. 1993 RS America Black. 22,367 original Miles. Excellent Condition, original paint with minor scratches. Original owner, tourist delivery car. One third of miles touring in Europe. Never raced or tracked. Completely original, includes fitted Porsche car cover. Always garaged. Factory Air Conditioning. Four Brand New Michelin Pilot Sport Rib N2 (Porsche) Tires. New Brake Pads and Drilled Rotors all four corners Spring 2007 (i. e. less than 50 miles ago). 41,500 . Jonathan T - Eliot, ME SOLD. 1993 RS America Black with 52,000 miles. Never tracked, no accidents, no dings. Car has all four factory options. Air Conditioning, Sunroof, Limited Slip, and AmFMCD radio. Upgrades include KampN Air Filter, Weltmeister Performance chip, 188221 Porsche Turbo Twist Wheels w New Michelin PS2 tires. BampB stainless steel Sport Muffler, front strut tower brace, chin spoiler, and rear torsion bars. Beautiful car, well maintained. 42,000 Mike K - Oklahoma City, OK SOLD. 1993 RS America Black with red seatbelts and door pulls. Excellent condition. 37,000 miles. All four factory options including: Sunroof, Air Conditioning, CR-1 cassette radio and Limited Slip Differential. Upgrades include: BampB headersexhaust. Turbo brake caliper and disks. HampR springs. Brey-Krause extinguisher mount with Halon extinguisher. Brey-Krause harness bar. Upgraded Blaupunkt CD receiver with upgraded speakers. Two sets of Cup rims in 8 and 9 x 178221 dia. Brand new set of Kumho SPTs. KampN filter. SWM suede steering wheel with quick release hub kit. All original parts included. Serviced by Pat Williams of Pat Williams Racing. Major service, including valve adjustment, completed at 36,000 miles. Dyno sheet available for review. 45,000 . Ricky H - Memphis, TN WITHDRAWN. 1993 RS America - Owner saw the light. and its a keeper Better than new condition. Flawless guards red paint. 70,100 miles. Factory options include: Air conditioning, with sunroof delete. Upgrades include: 188221 2005 Porsche Carrera lightweight wheels: 88221 front, 108221 rear with painted crests (original factory Cup II wheels included). Wider tires - Michelin Pilots (22540ZR front, 26535ZR rear). Bilstein PSS9 coil-over springs and shocks, Racers Group euro-spec anti-sway bars. Titanium lug nuts. Lowered, corner-balanced. New clutch and master cylinder. Roll bar. Optima battery. Cross drilled brake rotors. Secondary muffler bypass. Distributor ventilation kit. Camlock 5 point belts. Tinted windows. Alpine CD unit with custom subwoofers and separate amplifier. Magnificent to drive at any speed. 39,800 . To view several more images of this car click here . Joe P - Valley Forge, PA SOLD. 1993 RS America Guards Red with red seatbelts and door pulls. 70K miles. Factory options include: limited slip differential, sun roof, and air conditioning. Upgrades include: JRZ adjustable suspension. Eibach springs. Fabspeed cat bypass. Secondary muffler bypass. Carbon fiber cup-style airbox (factory original also included). Carbon fiber cup-style heater tube (factory original also included). Cup front brake cooling ducts. Rolled fenders. Lightweight cup flywheel. Custom weld-in rollbar (structure reinforcing - sill-to-sill). Lightened interior waluminum floorboards (looks stock - professionally trimmed for rollbar). Weltmeister short shift. Brey-Krause fire extinguishermount. Stainless Steel brake lines. 911 Chips Lightweight Flywheel Chip (not installed). Extended wheel studs. Powerslot brake rotors. 350W stereo. New windshield. 40,000 . Bob B - San Diego CA SOLD. 1993 RS America - one of only four ever made in color to sample FLY Yellow This may be your only chance to own a very rare FLY YELLOW color-to-sample RS America. This is the actual New York Auto show car where the RSA was introduced to the US market. Pristine Condition - never put on a race track. 29,800 original miles. Completely stock - never messed with. 2nd owner (for past 12 years). National Concours winner - PCA Parade (Tampa FL). Factory options include: sunroof, air conditioning amp CR-1 radio. Only upgrade is CD changer in rear stowage bin. Included are: original window sticker, Certificate of Authenticity, all manuals, tools, records, receipts, floor mats and car cover. The photo below does not do it justice 59,900. Mark T - Valley Forge, PA SOLD. 1993 RS America Midnight blue metallic. 65,000 miles. Top-end rebuild completed at 60K miles. Factory options include: Sunroof, AC, AMFMCD player. Upgrades include: Armorglove paint protection. Recaro SPG seats. 6-point Sabelt harnesses. Safety Devices cage. Brey-Krause seat back brace. Amerex Halon fire extinguisher. Hot Lap timing system. Momo Competition steering wheel (OEM also included). Performance chip. KampN cone filter. BampB headers with Fabspeed twin tip exhaust. Carrera RS limited slip. Lowered. 188221 BBS RE wheels with Pilot Sport Cups. 178221 C2 Turbo wheels with S-O3 Pole Position tires. All records since new. Set up and maintained by Daniel Jacobs LLC. Absolutely beautiful car. 39,250 Eric S - Wilton, CT SOLD. 1993 RS America Guards Red with only 44,000 miles. Meticulously maintained. Never wrecked and no dings - this car looks great, sounds great and is a thrill to drive on or off the track. Factory options include: Limited Slip Differential, Air Conditioning and Electric Sunroof. Upgrades include: fully adjustable HampR Supercup Racing Suspension with aluminum monoball camber plates, main springs and tender springs cross drilled rotors in front Safety Devices roll bar (actually the rear half of a roll cage which can be extended into full cage) BampB stainless steel header system with BampB single-outlet sport muffler Brey-Kraus strut tower brace Sparco Torino seats (redblack) Sabelt 5-point harnesses KampN air filter in modified air box Porsche distributor ventilation kit professionally-installed Invisishield on bumper and mirrors. Engine oil religiously changed at 2,000 mile intervals with Mobile 1 synthetic and transmission oil changed annually. For the purist who wants to take the car back to stock condition, the following stock parts are included in the sale price: complete factory exhaust system (with less than 8,000 miles) rear stowage bins original M030 shocks and springs and BampB stainless steel catalytic convertertail piece. A car cover and the tool kit, spare tire, jack, trunk liner, 12 volt air compressor, original window sticker and miscellaneous sales paperwork are all included with the car. 52,500 . Earl S - Pittsburgh, PA SOLD. 1993 RS America Guards Red with only 24,795 miles. Meticulously maintained. 3 of the 4 factory options: air conditioning, sun roof and limited slip differential. Distributor ventilation kit added. Invisishield professionally installed on bumper, hood and mirrors. Upgrades include: lowered with HampR springs. Cross drilled rotors. Stainless steel brake lines. Das Sport roll bar with belt guides. Rennline aluminum floor mats. Wide aluminum gas pedal. Front strut brace. Sparco EVO L seats. Team Tech belts. 98221 wide rear wheels. G pipe by-passing secondary muffler. Longer rear studs amp steel lug nuts. Fab Speed cup air box. The car has been corner balanced, is a wonderfully predictable track car and sounds great. For the purist who wants to take the car back to stock condition original window sticker, original RS decals never installed on the car, original floor mats and new Dunlop Sport Tires. All removed stock parts such as RS Seats, rear stowage bins and stock factory secondary muffler have been cleaned and safely stored and are included in the price. 55,000 Paul P - Sewickley, PA SOLD. 1993 RS America Guards Red 32,000 original mile car. Never tracked, no dents or marks with paint like new (3M shield front and sides). Interior and exterior like new. Always garaged. Factory options include: Limited Slip Differential. Porsche CR-1 AMFM cassette radio (since replaced with Alpine system). Upgrades include: New BBS RS-GT 188221 Diamond Black Rims. BampB exhaust. Turbo brake package. Autothority performance chip. Bilstein lowering shocks and springs. Carbon fiber strut tower brace and OMP racing pedals. All OEM original parts and wheels included. All service records with sales brochures and window sticker included. 46,000 . Robert A - Warwick, RI SOLD. 1993 RS America Guards Red. Outstanding condition with only 59K miles. Won first place in concours at Ozark Lakes Region event in October 06. Factory options include: Air Conditioning and sunroof. Extremely fast with numerous upgrades including new Power Slot front brake rotors, stainless steel brake lines all around, BampM short shift kit, Koni adjustable shocks, all aluminum pedals, KampN filter charger air intake, 8220Cup bypass pipe8221 in place of heavy rear stock muffler. Includes 3 sets of wheels and 2 sets of tires. Whether you want to drive it on the street, autocross or take it to the track, this car is perfect. 40,000 . Tom F - Springfield, MO SOLD. 1993 RS America with only 16,920 miles. Museum Quality RS America with only 16,920 one-owner miles. A totally original, unmolested, no option RSA - with the exception of Polar Silver Metallic paint. Complete with all service records since new. All maintenance documents including 15K service done Porsche dealer (Jim Ellis Porsche Atlanta) where the car was purchased new. Never used in rain. Possibly the most authentic and correct RS America for sale with complete one-owner history since new. Still on original factory fitted front tires. Even the rubber seals in the doors are still chalky. Documentation available includes original window sticker, Porsche key cards, original sales invoice from Porsche dealer plus original Porsche Sales Brochure Panorama May 93 ( RSA Specs) Car and Driver Nov 92 and Road and Track September 92 ( RSA road test). 58,900 . James C - Springdale, AR SOLD. 1993 RS America Guards Red with only 36,800 miles. Mint condition. Factory options include: Sunroof, Air conditioning, Limited Slip Differential. Upgrades: Sherwood CD player. New Pirelli P-Zero rear tires and new battery. 42,000 Jim B, Northern NJ SOLD. 1993 RS America - significantly upgraded with only 4,569 original miles. Guards Red. 4,569 original miles (this is not a typo). No body damage - amazing condition. Upgraded significantly as a project car over many years, with no expense spared. No sunroof more headroom lighter. I have a four-inch thick binder with all of the documents including receipts, for all work done in numerous upgrades. The more significant upgrades include the following (there are really too many to list): Full HampR suspension. 8220Big Red8221 turbo brakes and stainless steel brake lines. Full roll cage amp fire system. Modified throttle body amp custom chip. Custom PowerHaus gears. Upgraded flywheelclutch. BampB headersexhaust. ATL fuel cell. Carbon fiber hood. GT Racing tail. Removable front splitter. BBS wheels. Window net. External kill switch. Tow hook. New Recaro SPG seats (XL). New Momo steering wheel and quick release. New Schroth 6 point drivers harness. Nearly-new (3 days) Michelin Pilot Sport Cups. Also included - car cover, smaller red Sparco steering wheel. Custom painted plastic headlight covers. This RSA needs nothing - ready to go exactly as is. The car could easily be converted for street use with softer springs. Car had a total of 3 track days last summer, but its far too nice to whomp on it. 54,000 . Nick A - New York SOLD. 1993 RS America Black. Mint condition, 67,000 miles - all maintenance records since new. Factory options: Limited Slip Differential and air conditioning but no sunroof. Upgrades include: BB exhaust, Fikse wheels, KampN sport suspension, air intake. Alpine CD stereo with subwoofer. New 178221 Fikse wheels. An Arizona car this RSA has been garaged its whole life. 42,500 . Felix F - Scottsdale, AZ SOLD. 1993 RS America Grand-Prix White. 40K miles. Beautiful condition. Factory options include: sunroof-delete with AC and limited slip differential. This RSA has been upgraded to 964RS (Euro) specs. The car has never been raced (DEs only) and offers true 964RS performance. This tastefully upgradedsorted car includes: 964RS suspension (Eibach springsBilstein shocks) amp lowered to RSCup ride height strut tower brace adjustable camber plates RSCup flywheel silver gauge trim rings drilled billet aluminum pedals Andial chip Simpson harnesses fire extinguisher 8220Big Black8221 964RS style front brake calipersdrilled rotors wspare set of Pagid Orange pads in box Brey-Krause seat back brace secondary muffler bypass MJ Shaw front splitter Momo wheel Safety Devices full cage with new PCA compliant roll cage foam. Also including a rare PorscheRecaro Pole Position seat with Porsche crest. Fresh service 0607. Additional pictures upon request. Cost to import a 964RS is now 100,000 due to currency rate buy this at less than half. 45,000 Steve P - Boerne, TX SOLD. 1993 RS America Grand-Prix White. 75K miles. Very good condition. Red seatbelts and door pulls. All four Factory options: Sunroof, Air Conditioning, Limited Slip Differential and RadioCassette. Upgradesenhancements: After market rear seats. The car has one small oil leak. Fairly new Pirelli Z tires. Included are the original stowage bins removed to fit the rear seats. An amplifier was also installed. Car cover included. 39,900 . Kit A - Woodland Hills, CA SOLD. 1993 RS America Black with only 51,000 miles. Never tracked, no accidents or dings. Factory options include: Limited Slip Differential, Air Conditioning, Electric Sunroof and CDAMFM Radio. Upgrades include: KampN air filter, Weltmeister Performance chip, 18 inch Porsche Turbo Twist Wheels with brand new Michelin PS2 tires. BampB stainless steel sport muffler Front strut tower brace, Chin spoiler and Rear torsion bars. Car is in perfect condition. 42,000 Doug P - San Diego, CA WITHDRAWN. 1993 RS America - Owner saw the light. and its a keeper Midnight Blue Metallic. 62,000 miles. All records since new. Factory options include: Sunroof, Air Conditioning, AMFMCD player. Top-end rebuild completed October 2005. Upgrades include: Armorglove paint protection. Recaro SPG seats. 6-point Sabelt harnesses. Safety Devices cage. Brey-Krause seat back brace. Amerex Halon fire extinguisher. Hot Lap timing system. Momo Competition steering wheel (OEM also included). Carrera RS limited slip differential. Performance chip. KampN cone filter. BampB headers with Fabspeed twin tip exhaust (single tip BampB exhaust also included). Lowered. 188221 BBS RE wheels with Pilot Sport Cups, plus 178221 C2 Turbo wheels with S-O3 Pole Positions. Records since new. Set up and maintained by Daniel Jacobs LLC. Absolutely beautiful car in excellent condition inside and out - ideal for both street and track use (used for DE events only). 42,500 . Eric S - Wilton, CT SOLD. 1994 RS America - completely stock. Black with Red seat belts. 1994 model with rear seats and 31,800 miles. Excellent condition. All four factory options: Air Conditioning, Limited Slip Differential, Sunroof, amp Radio. The only modification is the car has been lowered to Euro Specs. Second to last RSA ever built according to Porsche AG. New tires. New battery. LoJack with alarm. 3M clear film to prevent stone chips. 45,000 . Rick G - Rockport, MA SOLD. 1993 RS America Grand-Prix White with red seatbelts and doorpulls. 45,500 miles. Excellent condition. Impeccably maintained with all records and receipts from new. Factory options include: air conditioning, sunroof, and limited slip differential. Upgrades include: Roll bar. 188221 HRE 540Rs wheels with 2253518 and 2653518 Bridgestone Potenza S-03 tires. Bilstein PSS9 coilovers with adjustable ride height and RUF swaybars. Brembo brakes with red calipers, cross drilled rotors all around and two-piece front rotors with aluminum hats. KampN cone filter and RUF primary muffler bypass so it is not unbearably loud, but it sounds absolutely fantastic. High-flow Fabspeed catalytic converter. The motor was rebuilt at 19,000 miles at Foreign Affairs in FL including Carrillo connecting rods, polished crankshaft and bearings, AutoThority DME, Mass Air Flow kit, Carrera Cup flywheel and new clutch. The car was dynod at 292.4 hp at the flywheel (sheets are included). The engine bay is original and very The car also has clear European turn signal lenses. 6,500 stereo upgraded with McIntosh receiver and amplifier. Original 178221 Cup wheels and a RUF short shift kit (not yet installed), plus 5-point harnesses (also not installed) are all included. The total cost of these mods is over 22,000 (not including engine rebuild). 49,500 Derek Fantasy Junction - Emeryville, CA SOLD. 1993 RS America Grand-Prix White with red seatbelts amp doorstraps. Excellent condition inside and out. 38,600 miles. Clean Carfax. No leaks. Factory options include: AC, Limited Slip differential and Sunroof. Upgrades include: Techart Pedals, Rennline aluminum racemat, BampB headers and muffler (incredible sound), Autothority chip (original chip included), BampM short shift kit. Koni adjustable shocks. HampR springs. Adjustable swaybars. Odessy lightweight battery. Cold air intake. 3M ClearBra. Alpine Stereo wcd player. Recaro Pole Position seats (original seats included). Also included two sets of wheels - OEM Porsche 88221 amp 98221 width x 178221 dia. with Michelin Pilot Sport Cups (50 tread remaining) plus Kinesis Split rims shown below 78221 amp 88221 x 17 with Michelin Pilot Sport (90 tread remaining). Very fast car 39,900 Terrence O - Detroit, MI WITHDRAWN. 1993 RS America - Owner saw the light. and its a keeper Midnight Blue Metallic. 30,650 miles. Very beautiful car - completely Stock. No issues, always garaged and covered, never driven in bad weather. Never modifiedracedwrecked etc. Factory options include: Air Conditioning, Sun Roof, Limited Slip differential. Air compressortool kitspare tire all intact and never used. RSA Brochure amp car cover included. More pictures available. Owned by Porsche collector and PCA member. 39,500 Rich A - West Palm Beach, FL SOLD. 1993 RS America Grand-Prix White. 39,500 miles. Beautiful condition. Complete Documents and service receipts. Factory options include: AC and Limited Slip Differential - no sunroof 30,000 mile service completed by top mechanic. Modifications include - Andial chip. Secondary muffler bypass. EibachBilstein RSR Cup-style suspension. 25mm swaybars. FR and tower strut brace. 993 front brakes wPagid Orange pads. MA Shaw front spoiler. Recaro Pole Position seats wSimpson harnesses. Safety Devices bolt-in cage. Brey-Krause harness bar and seat-back brace. OMP aluminum dead pedal and 8220J8221 accelerator pedal wheeltoe extension. Momo 8220Corse8221 steering wheel. Short-shift kit. Alpine stereocd. The car has partially used Toyo Proxes T1Ss (22545 and 2554017) on 98221 x17 factory Cup-II wheels (pictured). The original Cup-I wheels have been refinished with black centers and have practically new Pirelli winter tires. Additional equipment includes the original seats, an extra set of 98221 x17 factory Porsche Cup-II wheels (without tires), plus a bumper blank for dual exhausts. 39,500 Matt C - San Antonio, TX SOLD. 1993 RS America Grand-Prix White with 27,700 mi. PCA Club Race C Class w log book, or D Class, excellent condition strong, fast, reliable. Great DE car. This car is in excellent mechanical condition, maintained flawlessly for the two years Ive owned it by European Performance Engineering. Car runs strong, fast and reliably. I have all paperwork and receipts from the modifications done in 1999-2000. Most of miles have been DE, with 5 Club Races in C Class. Very easy to run in D Class. Full race prepared for PCA Club Race, Class C, with: Full Custom welded roll cage with double Side Protection, Autothority Chip, Full Bilstein RSR Suspension. Big Red Brake upgrades with SS lines. All Mono-Ball suspension mounts. Factory Cup Car 2418 FR Sway bars with bushings. BampB HeaderMufflerStraight Pipe System wheater system. KampN large cone filter. RS Motor Mounts. 2 Recaro SPG Racing Seats. Single Mass Flywheel. G-50 Race Shift fork. Mounted fire extinguisher. All Steel Synchros. MOMA race wheel. 3.8 Carbon Fibrefiberglass rear wing mounted on the car. OEM rear spoiler included in sale. 48,000 Bruce H - Littleton, MA WITHDRAWN. 1993 RS America - Owner saw the light. and its a keeper Black on black with black seat belts. Absolutely mint condition (see attached picture). Complete zero option car including no AC. Original owner installed a factory original Porsche radio with speakers when he bought it - I am second owner - purchased the car from original owner at 2,850 miles in 1996. The car currently has approx. 10K miles . The car was delivered new with rolled fenders from the dealer. This RSA is the 23rd one manufactured. 45,000 . Mark L - Los Angeles CA SOLD. 1993 RS America Midnight Blue Metallic California car. 59K miles. Exceptional condition throughout - recently detailed and polished with Amino show car polish. Never tracked. Current (2nd) owner purchased the car from Milo Porsche Aug 03. Factory options include: Sunroof and Air conditioning. Completely stock apart from the original owner replaced the stock RSA cloth seats with Porsche factory leather sport seats, and the fitment of a custom secondary muffler bypass. Meticulously maintained. No leaks. Mobil 1 oil changed every 59K miles. At 70K miles valves adjusted, new plugs, cap amp rotor, air filter, fuel filter. Replaced fan bearing housing and belts at 67K miles. Brand new Continental SportContact2 tires. New hood shocks for both front hood and rear deck lid. 39,500 . For more images see my webpage on this website. Jon P of Los Angeles, CA The 8220SOLD8221 data above shows just a few of the many RS Americas that have been sold through this website. To view all of the RS Americas sold through this website go to the ARCHIVES page. Neither this website, nor its host, are associated with, or affiliated to Porsche Cars AG. or Porsche Cars North America, Inc. in any way. Porsche 174 and the Porsche crest are registered trademarks of Dr. Ing h. c. F. Porsche AG. 169 2004 - 2016 RSAmerica .

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